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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Vibrasphere - San Pedro
  2. Well I did pass a 3 years maths degree without studying & killing my brain with acid & mescaline How smart am I?
  3. It looks like something I can't be bothered to waste my time with.
  4. It's good to have your own taste I've not heard the album so I wont comment on it myself but Damion's review kind of put me of it
  5. I've had an old school week 1. Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles 2. Laughing Buddha - Infinite Depths 3. Perfect Rainbow - Dream on Dreamer 4. Genetic - Transmission 5. Sandman - Shockwave 6. Cosmosis - Cannabanoid 7. Man With No Name - Teleport 8. Total Eclipse - A Little Bit of Heaven 9. Astral Projection - Let There Be Light 10. Total Eclipse - Waiting for a New Life and a chilled week 1. Solar Fields - Air Song 2. Vibrasphere - San Pedro 3. Tarsis - Broken 4. Amethystium - Shadow to Ligt 5. Shulman - First Came the Stars 6. Mantra Man - Shivai 7. Prometheus - Sweet Tooth 8. Chris Zippel - When I feel it (string Mix) 9. Hol Baumann - Human 10. Amethystium - Shadow to Light it's been a short week & today is the last day before my weekend!
  6. Soon I want to buy Mr Peculiar - Infinite Evolution Floating Grooves - Upsyde Down Khooman - A Flexible Liquid Mystical Sun - Deeperworlds VA - Intermitent Memories VA - Moonshadow Beats and the databloem catalogue
  7. Amethystium - Ethereal On a beach, dusk, deserted! Watching the waves come in & out
  8. Not a complaint but when did Rezwalker get banned? I somehow missed that.
  9. What style of music? I guessed pop trance from the cover
  10. abasio


    Watch the simpsons episode where homer takes lisa to the museum & there is a suggested donation of $5. That is what would happen in reality! People download because they can. People like freebies! What really pisses me off is when downloaders who never buy any music or pay for parties complain that such & such an artist changed their style. Newsflash, they are not going to make music for the people who are stealing it!
  11. Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles Killarrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh
  12. Cool! I have most of these on CD, will check out as I'm thinking of making a flying mix soon Thanks people
  13. Damions review made me laugh out loud on a crowded train
  14. Nope, I also prefer World of Sleepers. But the 1st album did have the best track on it!!
  15. just listening to the trance side now, it's How is this? I was looking at it today but wasn't sure about it.
  16. Well it was 8am! Had to give myself a push start into a hellish day at work! God damn sunday crew all suck! Except my Japanese manager, she's np Trance side
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