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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Then buy it at psyshop Maybe you missed the point of the thread?
  2. It's morning here & I'm listening to solar fields. A nice gentle push into the day!
  3. You should be ashamed Shame on You as punishment for your evil, you should send all your music to me. My address is Abasio 2 Japan Street Japan
  4. all sound pretty interseting. You've peaked my curiosity! Any more artist albums in the pipeline for later?
  5. Nah! I'm sure you've managed to build the tension
  6. Yeah! I'm lying I actually have a camera you need a wheel barrow to carry it seriously It's about the size of a bulky cell phone, not one of these super slim new models
  7. Hehehe I bought Black Rhino back when it was first released but missed out on white rhino. Looked for it for ages then ended up buying it for $5 on ebay. Was well happy that day
  8. Aye it is handy. About the same size as a cell phone!
  9. Nice! I've been wanting to look into databloem more closely after getting and loving the collection series! Downloading now
  10. An old school day today Went into Yokohama at 10pm & bought Transwave - Backfire and A Voyage into Trance CD & DVD version Pants creaming time
  11. I organise by genre & by artist or record label within that genre. Thus sometimes seperating the label or artist. This however falls down & at the moment I just have CDs spread everywhere across my living room
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