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Everything posted by abasio

  1. OP11 - L'Eau, la Ville et autres Contes Electro
  2. Oh well, it could always make a good coaster
  3. Solar Fields - Air Song (8am Version) :wub:
  4. Tracklist 1.Air Song (8am version) 2.No Answer 3.Station 5 4.Winter Sun 5.Combinations 6.A place to think 7.Detection (Far and Extended) An amazing journey of an album! What that journey is, is hard to tell & judging by the 1st review it is different for everyone. The music itself is beautiful & it sends me into a quazzi dream state. Lifting me out of my consciousness into another realm & takes you deeper into yourself at the same time. It's soft dreamy ambient that doesn't rush but takes it's time. Let me tell you a story 1. Airsong (8am version) My mind is floating somewhere, high above the word completely detached. I'm trying to find my body. Around 6 minutes in I find it, I'm sat on a beach in the early hours after dawn. I hear a soft piano/string melody & I know I'm on a Mediterranean beach. Hints of a storm on the horizon feels like it's coming closer. When the bass comes in I know it's headed this way so I haul myself up & start making my way home. My mind is muddled from the long night & I know sleep is waiting for me back home. I see all the early morning people on their way to work, they seem backwards to me, unreal. I feel like I'm half in a dream making my way back home in the early morning going the opposite way to everyone else. I feel like I'm drifting away but the bass brings me back each time. I'm sat on the empty train watching the new world go by. Finally I'm in the final chapter of this opening finale I'm on the home stretch, I know my home is near I just have to keep walking, floating towards it. For there, dreams await. 2. No Answer I lie in bed asknIg for the other world to take me in but it's not happening quite yet. Noises from the other room you can always hear when you are trying to go to sleep in the late morning after a party. There are now beautiful sounds mixed in with these clunks from the neighbour & overtime they get stronger & the clunks become less until finally I am finally in a dream state. Slowly, softly the beats come in & then suddenly there they are, they've been there all the time but I've only just become aware. I'm lifted up. I'm travelling on air, above the sun lit streets looking down on children playing in the park, people walking here & there, talking about everything & nothing. I watch, I wonder, they don't reply. 3. Station 5 An updraft lifts me higher, high among the clouds. Up up up above the world, too high to see what I once saw, high enough that I can spend time with the rain before it falls on the happy people below. Up here I sit contemplating nothing at all. The softest beats come out of nowhere. Louder, louder they sound. Who's there? I can sense something near me but I can not see it. Just a feeling & now a sound. Is it Laputa? A castle in the sky, hidden by the clouds so I can feel just an obscured presence of paradise. I can't believe it's there as I can't see it with my eyes. It starts to move away, I catch a brief glimpse of this little piece of heaven in the sky but as soon as it appears it fades away. Out of reach forever just leaving the sense of missed bliss. 4. Winter Sun The wind is blowing, you can feel it, you can hear it. Can you? I can as it blowing from the south it carries me north. It's cold & white & bright up here. Slowly I fall & I'm now stood on white cliffs looking out over a cold ocean. I hug myself to keep warm. I can hear whales that aren't whales, voices that aren't voices, sounds that aren't quite communication. I can feel the water on my feet now, I've come down from the cliff & I'm wading into the water trying to find the source of the non-voices. But the whales that aren't whales are gone. 5. Combinations As I stand alone, ankle deep in ice cold water the rain starts to pour & brings with it a mist. As quickly as it has descended the mist lifts & reveals to my next transport on this journey of mine. A vessel welcomes me aboard but not inside. I have to stay outside with the elements. I can hear the storm fading away in the distance. It has gone, so has the ocean. While watching the storm fade I've traveled into a river. As I go down the river it gets warmer & greener on each side. The vessel fades & I'm sat on driftwood. The greens get greener & greener until it's jungle on each side. There are people on the river banks. Tribes. I go deeper, the sounds of people become louder, the natives louder & louder until the rain comes & washes them away. Are they still there? I'm not. I'm no longer on the river I'm in a different current now, in the air taking me higher over the jungle. I see them! The natives dancing. I get closer only to see these are not native tribes but techno pagans. People trying to shed the modern culture while clinging to it. I want to leave, I can not join them I must go higher, higher, higher. Down Down Down with the rain I'm falling into nothingness. 6. A Place to Think I'm lost. I sit a while. When did it get dark? How did I not notice? There is a river somewhere nearby but it feels twisted & strange. I close my eyelids to shield my eyes, my brain from the darkness & try to focus on where the river is. Or if it is even a river, maybe it's a waterfall or maybe it's not even water I'm hearing but an animal come to share my space away from life. These brief flurries of thought come & go. I wonder again where I am, if I am really here. These thoughts I decide are better left unthought. I think it's time to go. The bugs outside tell me I'm right. 7. Detection (Far & Extended) I am called by Him. He lifts me up out of that dark place & breathes new life into me. He embraces me & whispers into my ear, the thoughts I was failing to have fade away drift away as I understand his meaning. I feel loved & out of place. I'm moving fast now with a beat to my step. Faster than before. Faster than I've ever been but relaxed at the same time. Up & out away from the world. My world. The sun has went away long before it's all a blur I rush, I rush, I'm relaxed. I can't see the world anymore, I've gone interstellar & left it forever? Do I feel sad? Melancholic with a sense of adventure. Will I see my home again? Will I find a new one? I fly, I float through the empty regions. Empty of thought but filled with sound. His sound, His presence. I'm filled with excitement & wonder. Where am I going so fast at relaxed speeds? Then I see it. Out of the nothingness. It oscillates towards me I look upon my new home. I drop into the clouds & pause not knowing what to do or what to expect. A slight trepidation before I take the plunge. As slowly as a rain drop I fall over a city, down over the houses. I can hear these strange creatures talking to each other, I move on. I see a building. All the lights are on except one. I go to the darkened room & enter. I look down at myself sleeping facing wondering what it is I am dreaming. I open my eyes. It's dark outside. I can here the rest of the household downstairs watching TV. I wonder what I'll do this evening.
  5. To me it feels like a dream! I took the liberty of writing down my thoughts as I listened to it. A dream indeed np
  6. There seems to be so much that I'm looking forward to. 2007 is either going to be a great year all round or full of dissapointments. I hope the former
  7. Another paypal thing I can't use
  8. This one is fantastic! Get it This one is ultra cheesy Euro Pop! I hated it. my review
  9. Angel Tears - The Way of the Mystic
  10. I would agree with that opinion. Dark doesn't have to be evil. Evil can turn out very cheesy anyway.
  11. Dead isn't it?! Nobody walks. Walking is for weird foriegn men! Saw vey few people on this walk
  12. Hol Baumann - Human
  13. You go girl!!! <- Jerry Springer Style Dump that Zero & get you a Hero
  14. So we are not going to off topic in the review thread, I'll try & bring this here. The prodigy were of course montrously good! Liam Howlette was one talented guy! But they did make their sound more commercial & did it well it seems. IM have changed their style & people who are into Psytrance don't like it because it's not psytrance anymore. It is some wierd psy/nu-metal/hip-pop/CV hybrid that is obviously working for them. See how popular they've gotten?
  15. I was listening to artillery today & I was reminded of The Prodigy's track Diesel Power. Same vein if a little different. Did everyone slag off the prodigy when they changed their style? Yes probably but what do they care they sold loads more records and got rich
  16. A great compilation released recently is Twist Dreams (Suntrip Records) A great dounble CD album that is really really cheap is Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home it's out of stock but you can get it from the website also a good complilation there very cheap - A Walk Through Neptune's Garden
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