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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Ambient translations of a lot of goa would be interesting to hear. I'd like to hear Order Odonata remixed in ambient style
  2. https://blueplanetcorporation.bandcamp.com/ Glad this was brought to my attention
  3. Great, I am nowhere need decided and just 2 days left I was starting to panic listen
  4. Youtube says SKIP AD but the won't skip it when I click on it? WTF? Worse than world hunger for sure.
  5. Excellent list right there. I especially like the early years
  6. Thanks a lot for this. Downloading now. Definitely worth a few quid more than the zero they're asking for...I assume
  7. I hated itunes with a passion (on windows) and would never get another apple product as you always need to use itunes. No matter how many times I set it to not automatically load when I inserted a CD as I wanted to use a different player, it would still boot right up anyway. Even after I uninstalled it, I could still find bits of it on my computer and I had to manually remove all traces of it. Never again.
  8. Basilisk's downtempo mix http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php/topic/68255-dj-basilisk-the-colours-of-ektoplazm-a-5-hour-downtempo-odyssey/ very nice, makes me want to download all the albums...
  9. I usually listen to ambient or downbeat to send me to sleep but I occasionally listen to trance. Best hypnotic trance is Blue Planet by BPC
  10. abasio

    I like...

    ... Cheese. Cheddar, edam, gouda, stilton....there are too many to list. Just blocks of cheese, cheese sauces, pizza, cheese and crackers, cheese and wine...mmmm....cheese is good.
  11. Forgot this was even Roxette
  12. It's because his list was fucking fantastic, had so much of what you were looking for but you just couldn't be bothered to look through something that wasn't just presented to you on a platter. Plus his name is Joseph which goes a long way in abasio-land Btw does you post hint that I used to be and have returned to being a dickhead? If so, nice nuance
  13. Something to check out. I got a ds to play with the missus.
  14. abasio


    Sounds like a challenge to me! Only a custom member title to go....
  15. I mean, Fuck you for not delivering the CD to me personally, don't you know my internet connection on the train is too slow to download this and I must wait until I get home? How lazy you
  16. Why does he have to have made it just for you? It's the end result that matters and his post was much better than any of your lists that could easily be copy and paste from each other. My logic is definitely float, it floats on the sea of logic. A list that links to more information that can help people find what they want easily and is connected to what was asked for is better than a list of personal favourites that are the same no matter what is asked. Goa: AP Ambient: AP Melancholic: AP Uplifting: AP Melodic: AP Dark: AP Twisted: AP Downbeat: AP Dubstep: AP
  17. Psygnosis was fantastic: Barbarian and Barbarian II was so cool when you cut off the guy's head I spent far too many hours playing Dungeon Master, Lemmings and Shadow Of The Beast
  18. Just check out F.A.C.T. http://www.discogs.com/Carl-Cox-FACT-Gold-Edition/master/44414 Best mix by Mr. Cox and a great showcase of the kind of artists you're looking for.
  19. Great list, nice and informative especially with your descriptions next to some releases. I saw a lot I knew and far too much that I want, but none more than than ETC http://www.discogs.com/ECT-Extra-Celestial-Transmission-The-Remasters/release/2876986 where can I get me that? Love ETC so very much
  20. You list a long list of your favourite artists and it rarely changes much based on the OP's request. It is also just a text list, which isn't bad in itself but it's not as good as what goa-head offered you: a comprehensive list with all the covers and links to all the discogs pages which include information and reviews of the releases and links to videos if the tracks. It was a list so much better than anything you've ever offered yet you have the nerve to complain about it, when it is obvious that you just couldn't be bothered to look through it. Your recommendations aren't the problem radi, but when you publicly complain about someone else who obviously makes a lot more effort, it's obviously going to get a response like you got. If you made a greater effort with your own posts then maybe you'd have some grounds to complain. But you don't so you don't. Even a quick spell check would help but you can't even be bothered to get a spell check add-on, it'd take a few minutes at most.
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