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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Lets hope so! The sight of Aes Dana there has to be a good sign doesn't it?
  2. How about Jade Goody? Now playing Hallucinogen - LSD (World Sheet of Closed String Mix)
  3. I'm not sure this is something to be proud of Just a few more push push push SPAM
  4. I think I found it even worse because it was my first BIG dissapointment. I was so looking forward to an album like there 1st & was presented with this eurobeat album
  5. click clack then wait a bit
  6. dunno! 9/10 months or something
  7. I'd love to take a decent holiday Take some pictures of foreign things Enjoy Thailand man!!!
  8. Cheers! I just saw it in a second hand shop! Didn't buy it due to some really good, cheap chill releases made me drool more
  9. Sorry I don't have the CD myself. I also found this which looks like it really could be it clicky 1. High Droid 2. No Fly Zone 3. Sattelite of Dream 4. Four
  10. A bit expensive but you can get some at Amazon.com
  11. So you're saying my thread is lame? A big lamo? The lamest thing since Hallucinogen's last track? Yeah, she loves it!!! She may be a complete leech & not very pleasant but I only have one need
  12. Great! I really enjoyed his last album Ever been to Mars?
  13. Yes! It is blasphemey not to instantly love God when you are introduced!!!
  14. Is liking Simon Posford what you look for in prospective friends? Would you be friends with an animal/baby rapist just because he like Simon Posford? Would you not be friends with someone really cool just because they didn't like Simon Posford? Would you drop a friend if he got bored of Simon Posfords work or stopped talking about him? My last girlfriend was a top model in Japan, she was really rich, a nymphomaniac had large breasts & a damn nice arse! Her English was fantastic she was funny & had skills (if you know what I mean) but for some reason she didn't like Simon Posford, so I dumped her. Best thing I ever did the blasphemous whore. This I shouted at her as she left crying from my apartment that night. She just didn't get it. Simon Posford is the number 1 priority in my life & should be in everyone else's. Is he in yours?
  15. or this guy http://www.zetarocks.net/blog/
  16. The only thing I know even close to that description is Zeta - Rhythm Devils 1. Lucifer part 1 2. Lucifer part 2 3. 大我 4. Taiga don't suppose that's it though.
  17. It wasn't the first in the Zeta series from zeta records was it (techno?)
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