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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio


    if I find it!!
  2. Love it! Something different in this identikit make an album world we live in! It does sound cool. & although I think the cover & titles are a bit shit the music is what's important & that's great!
  3. abasio


    I don't have it but you're right in that it does look nice. Nice cover, nice titles. I'll check this & get back to you! I'm going in to Tokyo later. See if I can pick it up there
  4. FOL > IFO for me too. A lot better. Not heard KOB but your recommendations haven't sent me wrong yet Yes you should
  5. X-Dream You lucky thing you! A great retrospective
  6. Well it is the source of all evil
  7. It's why bush will lose the next election, because the US psy community will be heard
  8. Aye that's right. The English one. We got paid for travel & for training My name's Joseph by the way!
  9. I work for NOVA Sure man. None of my mates are into psy!
  10. abasio


    HELL YEAH Baby! It's Summer again What are you going to be listening!! I'M digging out all my flying rhino circa re:evolution - elevation stuff :) happy summer folks
  11. Scary biker music Cydonia - Cydonia Why do these guys try to act all scary and evil while making melodic fluffy music?
  12. Total Eclipse - Access Denied and some music by some scary (yeah right) looking lads with long hair Cydonia - Cydonia
  13. Well Dros! You were right. Cydonia - Cydonia 1998 was a noise music album Cydonia - Cydonia 2001 was a heavy metal album I actually quite like it though. Might try and make a dark psy set & put some of this in
  14. Hell yeah! I'm definately hitting them up this year Got a lot of holidays & although my family wants me to waste them all going back to my poxy little town in England to sit around drinking tea and being cold ($1200) I would much rather go to the Japanese mountains & party money well spent I think!!! What are you doing in Japan?
  15. Been here for about 4 years. The first 3 were quite a blur & I know I went to some Arcadia stuff but I had to pay to get in I don't know any promoters
  16. I wish I had more money! Then I could buy something to trade with you for that CD in you sig
  17. I'm from England! I've been to a few parties here but not that many! All the ones I've been to have been really good though. Only been to 1 this year as I've been really busy You?
  18. Your taste obviously differs from those who love it! I myself adore that track. It's a good track & loaded with memories from my Goa peak around that time
  19. Disc Union is a big store near quintrix, walk towards the station from quintrix (not in the direction of tower but HMV) & look to your left. You'd see it within a minute. Negishi? On the negishi line/kehintohoku line? Yeah I know it. My girlfriend lives somewhere near (konandai). I myself live in Mitsukyo on the sotetsu line. West saiiid
  20. Yeah man. It's something a bit different Thanks for the recommendation Cold feels like summer? Summer has arrived here. Yey! No more Jackets It's pretty good. Took me a while to get into it but there are some great tracks on it. It's worth the money just for the Cosmosis track but the rest are good aswell I like the ants, it's like a signature
  21. Yokohama? Me too. There used to be a wicked Goa store here but it closed down. Quintrix is great if a bit expensive. Near there you should check out Disc Union. I have found some old classics well cheap there! Where in Yokohama?
  22. The scene has been in a low point with loads of pop people liking the music & the predictable pandering to these people who BUY music but are not really into it! They will get bored & move on to something else as all pop people do. I ask my pop friends if they still listen to the music they liked 15 years ago like I do & not one of them still listens to what they liked 2 years ago The thing is they go to the record store & buy music. If they still listen to it years later probably doesn't bother the artist selling it. They want tsome one to give them money for their work. Quite a lot of the people who complain about the way the scene has gone don't even buy music anymore & just download saying I'll buy it if I really like it but never do. They are killing the scene & it is partly their fault that music has become bland repetitive POP! IMO
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