Given this one listen so far.
It's a good album without being outstanding!
Repeat listens may bring more out & it's definately good enough to get a few repeat listens
2007 is shaping up to be alright
It's funny isn't it how so many great albums didn't sound amazing on the first listen.
This is why I don't pre listen if I know the genre as I could go 'beh' & miss out on something amazing
edit: I doubt I would have bought dreamfish if I'd listened to samples 1st
At some point last night while I was asleep, the infinity project - the answer came on. Not only did I have a dream about being in an escape pod drifting through the solar system, I could actually hear the track in my dream
Puff Dragon - Qi Gong
Gus Till - Rainsong
Makyo - Nothing is Real (headspin mix)
Angel Tears - Dmaot Malach
Alex Theory - Voodoo Dub
Entheogenic - Astral Cave
Asura - Lost Eden
Tripswitch - Shamanic Tea
Kaya Project - One God Dub
Hol Baumann - Bombay Radio
Makyo - Skin As Soft As Starlight