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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Check samples of the comps on saikosounds Is a nice album for sure. I likey
  2. It's so chilled it's sending me to sleep night night
  3. Collection 3 : Blending
  4. and I thought it was out on monday
  5. Great! But what the hell are you listening to which woulf want you to be in such a place?
  6. Aliens produce trance that revovles arounds sounds that reverberate around your anus only. Sounds that is gay as fuck. moidern psy doesn't sound as anally intrusive as that old crap
  7. Show us the original and the new for us to compare
  8. shame not more people noticed this one. it is a damn fine release
  9. Makunouchi Bento - Mipoetri in my bed, falling asleep. Which is where I should head soon.
  10. This I did not know!! Pretty hot & tempting... tempting to do what I wonder! np Saul Stokes - Sopra
  11. Bloody fast too! I'm in Japan & my CDs got here in 3 days 5 of them. Am very happy
  12. Collection 2 : Moving (databloem)
  13. yeah, discogs says just 1 album & 3 12"s. Is that right? It can be hard for labels
  14. Cell - Orange
  15. The last track on this, Orange, is mind blowingly good
  16. How was this? I just got the 2nd & 3rd
  17. That is quite nice if a little over the top!
  18. I'll listen more & give more thoughts later. Might write a review if I find the time (did I same time I meant if I can be bothered) About 10 euros. Very cheap for Japan, but all second hand stuff you get here is in perfect condition Still has the "contains LSD" sticker Only heard Cell & Rena Jones so far. Rena Jones was not what I was expecting. Quite cool but I was expecting more strings! I got the databloem CDs after The Journey Man Project recommended me the label. He said it sounds similar to Jikkenteki's downbeat Lets see if he's right. If he is then I might just be buying the rest of the label
  19. never got this word. sounds like fat & in my mind means crap, but it's used for really good
  20. Ah! You're still going to get it. 3000 people giving 99% feedback can't be bad, can't be can it? *touches wood*
  21. The purdy vapour one or the ugly yahel one?
  22. Just got the point of this thread! Yes I have it, all the time in fact. Whenever I close my eyes I get quite intense visuals, colours, tunnels, flowers etc When I sit back & concentrate on music it heightens quite a lot!
  23. Rena Jones - Driftwood
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