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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Not psy, but a random track to be played in a random place: Skrillex - Kill Everybody in a really upscale department store. The kind with $1,000,000 diamond rings.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_bzHjC9pA4
  3. Welcome flipples311. You could check out the videos below (and I am sure others will post) which is a mix of different styles. If you like any of them, search for the artist on www.discogs.com and check out what compilations they're on where you'll be able to see a lot more artists with a similar style. You should be able to search for the tracks on youtube pretty easily, probably even the full albums/compilations so you can see what you like. Happy exploring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ6NsqM9uGQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrMz91eGJfM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dspUejggj1Q
  4. Juno Reactor's best album in years. I great trancey sound with all the stuff you've come to expect from Juno Rector but concentrated back on the deep trance feeling of years gone by. I adored Labyrinth, and like JR's cinematic sounding music but this is more a step towards Bible of Dreams. I wasn't expecting this at all, which might have made it sound even better
  5. Very organic sounding release. All the music fits together like it's been grown from the ground up. Shulman really gets better and better with every release and I am eagerly anticipating the next one. Until then I can listen to this and Endless Rhythms over and over again.
  6. How did I miss this? Oh yeah, nothing but work for far too long is how. A brilliant release, available for free. Thank you very much Ektoplazm
  7. I was disappointed with this when I first listened to it. It just didn't hit me. Then again, it took me a year to like Extended and Leaving Home too, but when they hit...wow they hit hard. I came back to this about 6 months after getting it, and it sounded good but didn't blow me away. Then about a year later, I put on some headphones in the house and listened to it again. Boom, it hit me. It is very classy, soft psychedelia, too soft for casual listens but get it distraction free and it really opens up. I'm glad I stuck with it
  8. This is definitely my favourite from suns of arqa, it's darker and more psychedelic than other works I have heard from them. The multitude of instruments blends better into a really atmospheric piece of music. Best listened to as a whole to be properly appreciated.
  9. This remains my most played cheesy dance psy. It's so much fun, it makes me smile
  10. This album is the first of Filteria that I really thought was great. I liked the previous two but never really felt them, inside, but this is tremendous. Float Away & Disappear is a beautiful beautiful track
  11. I like this compilation a lot. It's not for every mood but it is good for Tuesdays, I've never known how to feel on Tuesdays: the obvious melancholy of Monday has kind of gone but lingering too in small amounts. There end of the week isn't yet in sight but I'm already thinking about, willing it forwards. Just right for some bat shit crazy..er..shit. But you can't be thrown into the deep end, no no no, it's not Thursday night. This compilation starts of pretty regular, nice melodic goa trance with a few experimental elements here and there. It then gets more experimental with each track climaxing with Shaolin Wooden Men just being...well, weird. With your mind pleasantly shattered The Visitors take advantage of you in away that leaves you confused, elated and kind of disgusted at the same time.
  12. Very good album here. The music sounds very full, it's deep and thick rather than light and floaty even. It has a dark edge and feels heavy when I listen to it. I agree that many of the tracks could be longer, to allow more spacemfor exploration but as an album it flows well.
  13. This still gets played a lot at my place. Really fantastic stuff from Gus, a great showcase of his best period (still love all his recent input too but this is just fantastic music)
  14. This is the best Kilowatts album for me. It's quite heavy for chillout music and isn't going to sleep stuff. Played a few of these in DJ sets and they always went down a storm, especially Azure
  15. Another very nice compilation from Native State Records. All tracks here have a kind of cold, stark beauty. Nicely chilled music, good for deeper exploration in a distraction free environment. My favourites are Ice forming on glass, white dragons, porcelain, stillness and Aurora Borealis
  16. A wonderful, smooth melodic ride through trance. 12 Moons - Solid State I thought was a wonderful album because a. this guy is a quality musician and that always releases quality material and b. I hadn't heard many of these before on the E.P.s or compilations he'd been on. So rare. Why this hasn't had more love is beyond me but then again I never took the time to review it either...
  17. I used to take Magnesium supplements but I think I am too far gone. Maybe I should take them up again
  18. Crude? While not over-polished like a lot of generic music that values production over ideas, I would hardly call it crude.
  19. I am also shocked that this has never had a proper review here, especially as I can remember writing and posting a proper review here many many moons ago. It has been stolen by internet thieves I think Anyway the nub of it was that this album is great, nice relaxing downtempo with a worldly vibe. The whole eastern thing is going on here but it never overdoes it like a lot of psychill did. I won't rewrite my review because either I cannot remember exactly what I said 6 or 7 years ago or I am making it all up. Instead here is PKS' review http://www.discogs.com/Cell-Phonic-Peace/release/459952 Enjoy
  20. I think this is one of the better Aes Dana albums. I love them all, but I think he peaked with Memory Shell, Season 5 just behind that and this in third place in the abasio ranking table of electronic excellence (I can't believe I spelled that right in my current state). His later albums are great and I will snap up the next one instantly but Aftermath remains by bronze medal.
  21. abasio

    S-range - Space

    I am a little surprised there is not more love for this album, nice spacey but melodic prog that goes down a treat. Star Alliance and Dimension jump end a great album very well, very climatic for me to have the best tracks at the end and build up to them.
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