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Everything posted by abasio

  1. My order from Ultimae records came at lightening speed Various - Green Instant Cell - Phonic Peace Rena Jones - Driftwood Some databloem compilations Collection 2 : Moving Collection 3 : Blending
  2. Yeah! I had to settle for some downloads of the out of print stuff from fake science! Still waiting to find them somewhere. By the way my CDs from ultimae arrived today. Lightening fast
  3. Not sure about this one. It could do with not having him on it
  4. Practacing is fun Spent the whole night tonight making a nice relaxed mix
  5. J.Viewz - Courage Wants to Laugh This guy had some great tracks on compilations. Shame his album didn't quite match up
  6. Good choices. Especially FP2, what a track list
  7. The interchill release is very good. You probably can't get a good feel of the album by listening to the track samples because the tracks are all quite different yet fit well on the one disc. From some bassy dub tracks to beatless ambient at the end I first got the dragonfly version in a shop in London around 1995 Then yesterday I found it again in a second hand shop in Shibuya
  8. Yes I'll have to think of more difficult clues Like... hmmm... It has cracy screaming voices which sound like they are coming through a wall
  9. I hope he chooses to release it. I'd definately like to hear it & I'm not sure if I'll ever get to see him live
  10. How is it? Or are you now too fucked to talk? np Tripswitch - Cumulus
  11. Another genre to spend money on np Vibrasphere - Fuzzy Vibes
  12. Cool! It must be nice to be good enough to play in front of people
  13. Aes Dana - Mineral Lights (submerge edit) from Oxycanta (Ultimae Records)
  14. looks nice! Did the set go well?
  15. Skizzo Franik - Delicious Cats Food (cat)
  16. I have the Cryptology compilation. That's a fantastic comp
  17. It's good! Some really cool stuff The pace falls as the comp goes on. Recommended
  18. Beautiful stuff Recommended if you like beautiful feel good chill
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