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Everything posted by abasio

  1. No! It makes her a ferMale. A new gender?
  2. you can't wait 2 seconds for it to load?? Just how busy are you?
  3. This is my argument ^^^^^^^^^^^^ People get into Pop in no time & then get bored of it soon. How many times has your cousin listened to shpongle? Does she still love it???
  4. Wow that does not sound good!! Although the remix of Smooth Criminal by Micky Jackson was really good
  5. No but if you're a good boy you might get a reach around!!
  6. Vibrasphere - Forest Fuel
  7. Man that's gonna get the Pos Patrol round your house to give you a damn good thrashing!!
  8. Yeah but mate the other music she feels the same way about is POP! It's not a bad thing but unpopular () in this genre! I happen to really like Shpongle! But just because my Mum likes it doesn't make any better in my opinion. The rest of her taste is shite!!
  9. I can say that obviously Shpongle sounds like pop & that's not really something to be proud of
  10. That's a nice idea Shame it just takes on git to ruin it! I really think that people should just try and be a little more mature when discussing music (or anything) here & then these discussions could go a lot better. Unfortunately some people take such offence to the smallest of comments & explode!!!
  11. Can I add my hurrah & huzzah? Hurrah! Huzzah!!! Really looking forward to this
  12. Blue Planet Corporation - Micromega
  13. Yeah or a playlist or a set!! Might do that
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