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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Fountain Pingu Escape Trapped Cat
  2. I hoping to get some of the eat static albums I am missing! Oh & Darshan - Awakening
  3. abasio


    I'm listening to Ulrich Schnauss - Nobody's home & this has a distinct summer feel to it
  4. I had pleasant dreams this morning after falling asleep while listening to Kuba - Inside Out. I dreamt about being on the beach it was a shock to wake up to a hangover & winter
  5. It really looks like 2007 could be a really good year! I can't wait
  6. Carbon Based Lifeforms - World of Sleepers love that track
  7. Got all confused there for a moment Oh the first dragonfly is sublime, as are the 1st 3 in the Order Odonata series
  8. Kuba - The Most Gorgeous Sunset Easy one this one! Secluded beach at sunset after a warm summers day. Some fruity cocktail & the lady in attendance would be perfect for this track
  9. Carbon Based Lifeforms World of Sleepers Ultimae 2006 Tracklisting 12 Abiogenesis (6:37) 13 Vortex (5:55) 14 Photosynthesis (5:41) 15 Set Theory (6:41) 16 Gryning (6:19) 17 Transmission / Intermission (4:28) 18 World Of Sleepers (5:17) 19 Proton / Electron (6:44) 20 Erractic Patterns (6:55) 21 Flytta Dig (5:09) 22 Betula Pendula (10:40) A follow up to Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden was very high on my list of albums I was looking forward to. Therefore it had the danger factor of too high expectations not being reached. I was confident though as this was released on Ultimae then the quality factor would be high. Ultimae haven't let me down yet with there beautiful music, beautiful art & great customer service. As you can see from the track numbers this is supposed to be a continuation from the first album. Although I loved the first album I think this one is even better. 12 Abiogenesis This starts with a soft ambient wail over very soft bells, managing to sound like water dripping. Around 2 minutes the melody powers. Wake up! The beat kicks in, the melody evolves & I messed my pants. Such the amazing atmosphere, I feel like I'm flying over the ocean at nightlistening to this. The way that the beat leaves & comes back with the melodies & a sublime female voice is just beautiful. 13 Vortex The intro once again is a comletely beatless drone for a while and then the melody comes in. A nice simple melody over cool trippy beats which slowly turn into a steady plod. This is a slow plodding track & it doesn't feel like flying anymore but floating out on the ocean now. It has a lower feel to it until the end where a melody comes in & lifts it up to the sky 14 Photosynthesis One of my favourite tracks on the album. Everything is right on this track. It starts of slow again with a soft floaty feeling to it. Slow synths are introduced. What about the forests? Nope! Beat kicks in & what a beat it is. It sounds like some kind of backwards trip. A pipe like melody floats around, they even manage to put in a guitar sound & still manage to make it sound good. The beats, the melody, the sounds, the atmosphere all fits to make it a really amazing track 15 Set Theory We slow down a bit with this track. Beatless for the opening 2 minutes & when the beat does start in I've managed to miss it. A nice beat actually it's quite fast but manages to sound slow. The atmosphere of this one is back on the ocean or a little bit above it moving without moving. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? You know what I'm not sure I do 16 Gryning Much quicker to get into this track. It starts with the melody straight away but it's the second melody that is so beautiful. It really makes me feel like I'm falling through the night sky. A third melody not quite as beautiful as the 2nd but even more atmospheric really adds to the feeling of falling but this time it's cascading! The ocean is rushing up to meet me, I'm falling into it & I love it 17 Transmission / Intermission Some half heard conversation at the start. Soft ambient noises in the background. Sounds that remind me of rain. Not the sounds of rain but they feel wet & falling. No beat or melody in this, it is just a true ambient intermission. 18 World Of Sleepers Now on to the title track & it's another one that requires a spare pair of pants. Unbelievable!! Open your Mind it says but there is no need as this track opens it for you. The melody is so soft & beautiful, it feels like a dream it really does feel like you are dreaming this album. It is melancholic track, beautifully sad like you are dreaming of past loves, lost but never forgotten. A beautiful piece of musical art. 19 Proton / Electron Back to reality now after waking from that wet dream into something equally wet. Wet sounds in the background, wet & squelchy. Very up front shuffly beats & the melody seem to dry this track out and by the time the Atomic activity on the moon, atomic blasts on the earth sample comes in it feels like the clouds have parted & you can see the full moon. Soon after though & before the sample leaves we are back to a very wet feel. 20 Erractic Patterns This manages to sound like a fairytale (in my mind at least). A very old world feeling given to it mainly by the melody. The vocal, a woman talking about patterns tries to take the atmosphere somewhere different but the melody wont let it, it feels like hansel & grettel smoking dope behind a tree in the forest. 21 Flytta Dig Starts with an epic long soft synth, rushing windy sounds in the background make me feel like flying again very slowly over the ocean inland. A very nice melody chimes away halfway through adds to the atmosphere created by this beatless, floating track. 22 Betula Pendula 10 minutes and 40 seconds of joy, pure joy in a melancholic way if that makes any sense. I feel sadly jubilant listening to this track. It's like reliving former glory that has long passed into history. Beatless ambient but never boring. The soundscape created here fits the album perfectly. It makes your mind float away from your body maybe never to return. It's hard to concentrate on anything while listening to this as it's a track to get lost in. It takes you to places you've never been but which seem oddly familiar. Like remembering a dream. Hidden Track A few minutes of silence followed by a couple of minutes of quiet static noises & then an extra track kicks in. A nice track it is too. A nice melody & nice soft beats. It has a somewhat different atmosphere to the rest of the album. This track seems more summery or daytime at least. More earthy, less oceany less feeling of the night sky. With some natural sounds like birds in the background. A very nice track to tag on to the end of a very nice album All in all then this is one fantastic piece of audio art! All tracks are damn good & they go together really well to create a real album rather than a collection of tracks. All tracks have an outside feel, most feel like floating over the silent world at night. Flying, falling, watching, loving. All but the hidden track have a melancholic edge. Strangely melancholic, sad but joyous at the same time. As always with ultimae this is a high quality release in every respect. Beautiful music & a beautiful package. Great art & a booklet with more beautiful pictures. The digipack also smells like incense from the incense sticks they put in the envelope. Take my advice. Buy this album from Ultimae Favourites 12, 14, 15!, 16!, 18!, 19, 20, 21, 22!
  10. How is this? I was curious when it was supposed to be released on LSD
  11. Me too! How do you find it? I found it boring as hell first time I listened to it but once I got into it a little deeper I found I really liked it
  12. Hope you like them! Infinite excursions actually has VA - Twelve inside it
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