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Everything posted by abasio

  1. The theory is of course impossible to prove, but I think you cannot disprove it either. Your arguments against could easily be incorporated into the theory: The closer the dream lives are to each other, the more similar the lives being lived. In the next few up and down you're likely to be the same person in a similar world doing similar things to this life. Only as you stray further away do things get more different. As the little changes build over time to be something completely different, like a game of chinese whispers. Your memory if the similar things are likely to be stronger as they are closer to this life, but as you basically dream an infinite number of lives every night, anything is possible and could be remembered upon awakening.
  2. It was quite funny at the time, for although I couldn't read I knew the cause. Still suddenly being illiterate is strange. Radi: could it be possible that this is a dream of another life, and when you dream in this life, you're awake in another. Could this not be extrapolated to infinity so you're living a dream within a dream within a dream...within a dream within a dream? One night here could be a lifetime in the next life down, then each night there would be a lifetime on the next life down again and so on and so on in both directions meaning you're living an infinite number of lives. I like to think in one of them I have super powers.
  3. When someone says "anything's okay" then rejects your suggestion.
  4. I had it once, quite unsettling but since that time I haven't had it again. I also once forgot how to read, also very unsettling
  5. Girl logic Specifically today, I'm cold so I will walk much slower so I remain cold and stay out in the cold much longer...
  6. Well hipsters annoy me just as much, are they homeless, are they a hipster? oh they have an iphone, poor thing, must be a hipster. I used to teach, it's easy and enjoyable when it's a service people are paying for. I wouldn't want to teach at a school, that looks painful.
  7. Threshold It perfectly fits the meaning in my head.
  8. Exactly, she even said she knew she doesn't like these kind of situations but applied anyway. I also blame our recruitment team, they often hire attractive people because they assume they'll be popular just because they're pretty but if they don't have any talent, they never work out.
  9. People who wear glasses without lenses People who cut in front of you only to then go really fucking slowly. People who can't handle the easiest of jobs. At my company, the entry level position is basically teaching English for 40 minutes, followed by a 10 minute break, then a 40 minute lesson. It's easy as shit to do for a native English speaker yet I have one girl off with stress because the whole thing is just too much for her. She only works four days a week for six hours a day but can't handle it. I know she must feel terrible but is it really that stressful to sit with small groups of the world's easiest to please people, seriously Japanese love anything, and teach them what you know inside out? Apparently it is. What annoys me about myself is that I cannot understand why some people just cannot do what I find so easy. They irritate me so much when it shouldn't but it does.
  10. I listen to a lot of ambient: Ishq is very natural, conjures images of wide open spaces, summer and greenery in some albums and alien landscapes in others. Brilliant. Anthony Paul Kerby, of The Circular Ruins, Nunc Stans etc does nice drone stuff, textured layers drawing up images for me of grey English landscapes. Tetsu Inoue did some great spacey stuff and I loved Steve Roach's Magnificent void and Stalker by Robert Rich and Brian Lustmord is a wonderfully dark album. I like the psychill and downbeat mentioned here, Solar Fields and Carbon Based Lifeforms are great atmospheric downbeat. CBL's Twentythree was a very nice ambient album too. It was like there usual style, without beats. For Goa-ambient, Alien Mutation, Shamanic tribes on acid, Optic eye, Bass meditation, or basically Jake Stephenson and anything he was involved in is what defines goa ambient for me. Really tripped out psychedelic stuff, which seems more trippy to me as it's slowed down.
  11. People who inexplicably take 10 minutes or more at the only ATM
  12. So that would make 6 movies plus the animated shorts? It could be fantastic or abysmal, not sure which. I loved the original trilogy and any more cannot detract from the originals.
  13. Quite
  14. I was also thinking this was a light thread, not "what makes you really angry"
  15. The only problem with having a special room you could go into that would slow the passage of time (I'm guessing that time moves slowly outside the room as if it was moving slowly inside the room then you'd just experience it as normal because we'd be in the same time stream) is that we'd still age at the usual rate, get tired at the usual rate but to others, outside the room, only a short time would have passed. We'd seem to age more quickly than others and I don't think you'd end up doing more in your lifetime, you'd just appear to get stuff done quicker. I think it would be excellent for getting things done quickly, meeting important deadlines, developing new ideas ahead of the competition, or to take an extended break from work when you've only a little time but the ideas in OP would not be of any real benefit I fear.
  16. That so few people can use the stairs while the escalators are jam packed. That as soon as people get on an escalator they stop dead. People who stand in front of the escalator for about 10 seconds looking at it before getting on. People who stand right in front of the doors on the train so you have to push them to get on. People who run for a train 20 metres away that won't leave for another 10 minutes. Fat people who waddle really slowly side by side on the pavement so you cannot pass them. Kids in bars. People who fall asleep on you on the train. People who complain about the weather as if it's a real problem (not talking tornadoes and shit here but drizzle) . . . so much more
  17. Ordered! Then saw they'll be available at the party.
  18. A Christmas present from my Aunty
  19. :wub: So much goodness
  20. Possibly Frontfire? http://www.discogs.com/Transwave-Frontfire/release/1654815 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn7IbAyPiQU
  21. Surely only reality addiction limits you to under 10 youtube accounts. I myself have 15
  22. Can I order Sakura now and have cheap shipping to my address in Japan?
  23. Ouroboros, remember that someone who claims you to be a reality addict will never listen to anything you about "obvious", "This is a fact", "this is proven" or "laws of physics" because people who don't believe in reality not need to care about what is obvious or what follows the laws of physics. If Radi believes that his motherboard is secretly plotting against the universe in a dastardly attempt to bend the light south just because Radi didn't go to his Grandmother's birthday party, you are never going to convince him with facts or laws of nature because that is reality and Radi is not addicted to reality so therefore can believe whatever he wants. Many people here don't believe that Radi is a real person. His protestations fall on deaf ears because they are also not reality addicts and a perfectly content to believe that Radi is a figment of their imagination, Simon Posfords acid damaged psyche given form or rich kid with too much time on his hands, or Pavel, still not convinced it's not pavel.
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