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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio


    What the fucking fuck you lacy sukres! Why don't you guys help me out for my very serious question? You guys obviously aren't into music in the same way I am! I can't believe no one is answering me. ME!! People obviously don't listen to music with a summer vibe anymore! I am the onlyone who listens to this style here all you others are stuck listening to your boring winter music with winter feel not fucking emotional summer stuff like me. FUCK!!
  2. Skizzo Franick - Delicious Cats Food
  3. There is a lot of nice beats np Gaudi - Babylon Flamenco
  4. Solarquest - Carronbrig very nice track
  5. It's wierd that it happened in GOA! Now don't get me wrong but....isn't Goa in India?
  6. some Mashed Mellow Grooves
  7. abasio


    I want to create a summer mix (chill) obviously Abakus is going on it I'm also thinking of Kaya Project, Kuba, Jaia, Adham Shaikh, Androcell, Gaudi, Solarquest anymore suggestions of summer chillout? I'm thinking sat on the beach sort of stuff leading into warm wet (rainy season) music
  8. :o:( That's too bad Thinking of pressure I rearranged how I organised my CDs so there is less pressure on them
  9. Check out some of the Japanese Fullon stuff! Very nice & excellent on the dancefloor
  10. abasio


    After my brief interest in IDM I came away with 2 artists that I really really liked Kettel Ulrich Schnauss Excellent albums from both these guys
  11. Get with the times! 2006 was so last month! Now we are in 2007, we all wear tinfoil suits and listen to singular bleep music It's all changed.
  12. There are chancers everywhere Great choice that CD
  13. Radi is a generalising machine Everything he says is a generalistaion
  14. What Ale likes ... ... ... that's it
  15. Androcell - Effloresence
  16. Not even techno & the like? Tower in Japan often has a psy trance section Quintrix in Shibuya has 3 copies of Jikkenteki = The Long Walk Home on their shelves I just like shopping in the real world! However this might be on eto get from the label if it's that cheap
  17. Fullon is now the most popular style & what happens with the most popular styles? People with no talent choose that style because they want as many people as possible to like it. So they have no talent, if they made as less popular style noone would like it, it's crap. But if you make it in the most popular style you are likely to find some people how will like it. This is the problem with fullon The style I don't mind. There are some great examples of it & it works well on the dancefloor. The problem is that the market has become flooded & not 95% of everything released is a big pile of steaming dog doo!
  18. Deedrah - Body & Soul Phi - Phinalizer
  19. FR day today np described by Radi This is the best post ever! Although I tend to disagree, this album is amazing edit: especially track 3. The synthline that comes in at 3:04 is PCG
  20. None! I recently quit my job so that I can stay home & protect my babies!
  21. Time - Re:evolution II (Flying Rhino Records) Great 3CD set showcasing Flying Rhino's stuff at the time CD1 is chill CD2 is more progressive CD3 is harder dancefloor trance np 8th Flight - Graviatation (Flying Rhino Records) Blue Planet Corporation - Entropie
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