An essential compilation.
Absolute brilliance.
Slinky Wizard : Lunar Juice (Hallucinogen Moon Strudel Rmx) Amazing, classic slink wizard
Pleiadians : Zeta Reticuli (Lazy Spiral Rmx) One of the better Pleiadians tracks says a lot
Slinky Nuns : Shitty Stick (Better Than A Poke In The eye With A) Another great slinky track, brilliance (and a great title too)
Hallucinogen : Trancespotter Probably the weakest track on the comp which says alot for this comp
Sheyba : Trance Africa Express very nice, very african sounding
Slinky Wizard : Funkus Munkus how many slinky wizard tracks can you have on eone comp? not enough!
Technossomy : Indiginus Everything by technossomy is gold as is this
X-Dream : Create Your Own Happiness what can you say? classic
What an amazing collection of tunes
I could do without the slightly weaker Hallucinogen track but I'm sure someone will tell me how wrong I am