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Everything posted by abasio

  1. A track that sums up the year for you As long as it's not old langs ayn
  2. So far it's Tripswitch - Cumulus from the Vajra compilation. Amazing track it really is.
  3. If I'm in a club then Jikkenteki - Stepping Forward if anywhere else then Tripswitch - Cumulus My tracks of 2006
  4. Mine too, this way I don't have to worry about my lack of control (to an extent)
  5. I think I'd be scared if that showed up at my door with a package
  6. No? I'll just go have a little cry in the corner now.
  7. Some tracks I really like but I can't really listen to the album as a whole. I just don't like the samples
  8. I was never overly impressed by wizzy either. But I've not really given much chance to it.
  9. I downloaded some but I should really listen to them
  10. Yes. I think it was Don't think the story was any good but I loved the guys name.
  11. In a way only eat static can
  12. If you get a credit card then just make sure you pay it off the next month. The full balance & it wont cost you much at all
  13. Good choice! Still can't get enough of this album
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