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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Was reminded today of Eat Statice awesome remix of shpongle - ...and the day turned to FRight
  2. mine Shpongle - ...and the day turned to fright (eat static remix)
  3. Mine also has this misprint (on the inside of the back cover)
  4. While vinyl definately has some advantages, nicer warmer sound etc, I find CDs to be much more convenient. Especially when you have a real album which is arranged & flows perfectly. So I opted for CDs.
  5. Agreed. I really enjoyed this album. A nice concept piece with great ideas & lots of different sound all coming together to sound really cool.
  6. maybe you should. I'm going to try and chech this out too
  7. I'm curious too! How do all you guys who got these CDs find them?
  8. Sure is! My top track of today too
  9. Yo Riton! Check out Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home Carbon Based Lifeforms - World Of Sleepers Principles of Flight - Night Time Lullabies the 3 best albums in 2006 IMO
  10. I shouldn't laugh, that must have been really annoying. Still.....
  11. abasio


    hol baumann *drools in his tea* Sweet, sweet sweet sweet, super sweet! Great! Great Great! OTT, sure Abakus would be great I want top see a new tripswitch album his comp tracks this year have been
  12. It's looking that way
  13. Time for some night night stuff Playing pete namlook the four seasons
  14. how quick am I? It's from a book. I forget the title, author & story but the name stuck
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