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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Carbon Based Lifeforms - World of Sleepers This track is perfect on the train, around rush hour but going the wrong way so the train is dead but when you pass one going the other way it is totally packed!
  2. hehehe I wanted to do this but I'm just not amusing enough
  3. :o I'm lucky to have a big postbox & live really near the post office. If it's too big they keep it there but it's just a short walk from my house. About not getting the CBL, that sucks big time. Listening to it right now & it's gooooood!! edit: just remembered that they are privatising the postal service here. Wonder if that's good or not. edit 2: An error has occured, you have tried to post a message with more emoticons than this board will allow. WTF? I tried 4!! Too much?
  4. Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry (Ambient Translation) No singing from Robert, it's beautifully soft, even more chilled than usual. It makes me feel like I'm sitting in the carribean looking out over the sea cover with night. All tuckered out waiting for the sunrise. That would be perfect for this whole album actually
  5. Nice one mate! I downloaded those tracks you posted before & they were pretty good. Cheers for letting us have this free!
  6. Bob Marley - Dreams of Freedom : Ambient Translations
  7. hehehe! I'm sure you deserve some freebie at some point mate!
  8. Artifakt - Sex (male?) gets my vote for best dark porno
  9. Me too, just the fake science download Hoping to find it somewhere but the chances are small seeing as I've never seen an ultimae release in Japan
  10. It's a conspiracy to make everyone pissed off with shpongle!
  11. Aes Dana - Gatewick (Vinyl airport delay) Maybe a really small airport on a tropical island. One where the runway is this close | | to the sea! Looking out over the ocean in the minutes before sunset would be nice for this track. It's so warm & beautiful. To be honest any beautiful beach would be good too!
  12. YEY! It's time to start thinking of the best Is it just going to be overall or psy & chill or too many different genres?
  13. No, it's a special hat designed just for me
  14. & that's why you are not a steven hawking type top banana!
  15. Kicking a puppy might get rid of some of that rage! But that would make you a bad man Oh & BTW I lied. It was rel
  16. I put in a pathetic attempt to try & make you all jealous & add that it's (unr)
  17. Cool Snowball! Have a relaxing Christmas
  18. Cool! I've got my excited hat on now
  19. These are making me like fast trance again
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