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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Hallucinogen - Alpha Centauri
  2. Ochi Brothers - Flowing Synergy
  3. I bought this the other day & it is FANTASTIC!! I am really loving this CD. I like concept albums! Thinking of getting Loud - Some Kind of Creativity next!
  4. ah, I have a different version 1 Distort And Discord 2 Tango De Color Mango 3 Black Magic 4 C41 5 Frog On The Run 6 Recharge! 7 Shezabitch 8 Yellow Mellow (Happy Sequencer) 9 Starfall 2006 10 Little Girl 11 Schezabitch (Remix) 12 Black Magic (Live) without that track
  5. is this the same fuzzion who did Black Magic?
  6. It's a good buy! A couple of the tracks are a bit dissapointing but there are enough blinders to be worth the money
  7. Tough one today Trance: Eat Static - Fudge again or Principles of Flight - A Heavy Responsibility Chill: The Infinity Project - The Answer for sure
  8. The Infinity Project - The Answer On an asteroid floating through the outer reaches of the solar system Well that might be damn cold so some space station built on an asteroid floating through the outer solar system, with a nice observation deck & enough time! Let yourself go wherever the music takes you
  9. and the winner is......
  10. I'm getting in the mood for some of that can't decide on MOTY 1 / MOTY 2 or Mystical Experiences.
  11. That sounds nice! Always loved that when trekking! Snow is definately good IMO Aye it's great but sooo busy!
  12. Stuck some Eat Static on myself, np fudge & it would be perfect in the middle of Tokyo at midnight, if it could be completely deserted! Just a small party on the road but noone else about!
  13. I'm listening to The Orb vs Youth - Appletree in my backyard (Abakus) and I just wish that I was sitting along the river looking across to the city. Maybe in spring when the cherry blossoms are out & the weather is warm & relaxing! where would you like to be listening to the track you are listening to now nb: You can only mention european mountains once!
  14. I have forgotten what this was a quote of, will edit later Brilliant, one of my favourites Hahaaaa
  15. I like this. Some great tracks on it! & LSD fillers are usually still pretty beautiful. It's not quite up to the albums like Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker or Abakus - That much Closer to the Sun but it is still damn beautiful music!
  16. A couple of fantastic albums you got there
  17. Aye that would always be cool! Remixes into different styles are usually more interesting than remixing into the same style.
  18. Both Excellent albums I hope you enjoy them!
  19. No sorry man! The problem is I would have to listen to hundreds of my old school albums to find it! But I promise you if I stumble across one I will revive this thread & tell you which track it is. But for know I can't remember, I know I've heard one but I have a terrible memory for words & names. *racks brains*
  20. Cool idea! Fun too! Shame I have no photoshop but may try something with paint
  21. Copied then put the original up for sale? Is that what you're thinking? Double copy?
  22. Deep Chill/psy-chill Carbon B. Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Carbon B. Lifeforms - World Of Sleepers Solar Fields - Extended TIP - MOTY 1 Aes Dana - Season 5 H.U.V.A Network - Distances Don't know enough about the other styles to give you an informed opinion so I wont bother but Robert Rich - Seven Veils is Good!
  23. It's true though isn't it? For example I recently bought and I'm completely blown away by how good it is! This I think is going to get heavy rotation in my CD player as does Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home & the Far East Technology comp. People saying 0/5 I have to think have not heard these CDs
  24. oh, Behind Closed Eyelids, definatel the best from the 1st album IMO
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