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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Well, I got a $100 bill hidden inside so
  2. What's it like in the mod forum? Do you talk about mountains & skinny girls there?
  3. Do. It's a pleasure to buy from the ultimae team. So very personal
  4. Buy it from ultimae, they send it to you with a stick of incense & the CD smells lovely!
  5. She only moved it Radi, it's not deleted. edit: & maybe it's not about storage....
  6. I'm not going to apologise for anything! Just sprung to mind. Must now find the track I heard it in Damn you!
  7. Trance - Ka-Sol - The Light Chill - Omnimotion - Days of Silence
  8. how many topics about mountains are there in off topic. I think this was tatsu's point. It would have been possible to ask your question in one of those no?
  9. If it was a joke why are you upset that it was moved? I couldn't give a rats ass if someone moved one of my threads, really!
  10. Brilliant. Had it for some time now & it still gets a regular airing. best are Keiretsu vs. Soliptic – Ripples (Imprint Of Creation Mix) Jikkenteki – Slippery Slopes Zekazy - Unicorn Phi – In The… A bit top heavy
  11. Probably because the thread had no point & the question could more easily have been answered by asking RTP himself instead of opening a whole new thread. I'm sure that's what the mods said they would be doing a few weeks ago.
  12. Does that mean you can only listen to oldschool in the day time?
  13. I don't find shpongle to be particularly summer like. If you think it is then this CD will feel like you are drowning in sunshine :)
  14. Exageration mate! Don't take it literally. I was however thinking of 92-94
  15. People cant be bothered to search! They want the good old days when there were 3 releases a year so it was easy to choose. People who say there is no good releases nowadays are just lazy IMO
  16. Ulrich Schnauss - ...Passing By Don't what specific genre this would be pigeonholed in but it was recommended to me in an IDM thread! It's chilled, melancholic & trippy so it works for me. The track has a really nice structure, good simple layers and a lot of feeling for electronic chillout! Me likes!!
  17. Nice! Congrats Omedetoo!
  18. This could be possible. I remember listening to some amazing tunes on acid & when I tried to find them later no mater how hard I tried I couldn't find them. And back then I had a very limited CD collection. Same thing happened with a Magic Roundabout episode.
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