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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Solar Fields Carbon Based Lifeforms Seb Taylor Gus Till Anthony Paul Kerby Ishq/Matt Hillier In my opinion always manage to put out something between very good and mind-blowingly good. They're all instant buys for me even when I am trying to save, I got a stern look from the missus when the latest Ishq arrived this morning.
  2. Ultraviolet Catastrophe I found to be excellent, best Space Tribe by far but that might be because it came at the end of Black Rhino adding to adds really dark overtones. For me, Planet BEN, peaked with Silver then went totally off the boil. Although he included a rerelease of Trippy Future Garden with his Test album: there needed to be some reason to buy it
  3. Love Hybrid, the mix of Finished Symphony at the end of Northern Exposure 2 is one of the greatest tracks I have ever heard of any genre. Must check this out.
  4. VA - Accidental Occidentalise Darshan - Awakening I have the flac of Awakening but I love it so want the cd
  5. Fiance moving in today. Bachelorhood is over...
  6. Honestly, downhill. But AYS was so good and TOTI a great follow up that it would have been too hard to live up to anyway but still they released them 3 more times so I really don't see why the excuse for not releasing Hallucinogen 3 is viable even when I agree with it
  7. abasio

    Happy bday Radi!

    indeet But Seriously Radi. Where are you? Not seen you here in ages? You need to reply to the threads in general
  8. abasio

    Happy bday Radi!

    Such an insultive occurence for radi not to respond to his own birthday thread
  9. I live i Fujisawa, about an hour from Tokyo in the opposite direction from Chiba. I'll book the Sunday after this off, been waiting for this for ages.
  10. If I had time and money and a wife that would let me disappear for a while I'd be there. Damn that's too many ifs
  11. not yet it seems https://www.facebook.com/globalsect is there cashflow problems hindering this release?
  12. It might be time to dig out those old Psysex albums with the horrendous covers ...and to check this out too
  13. Darshan - Awakening Perfect for my morning commute.
  14. Wait, it's against facefuck's rules to not charge people to post and promote on your page? I've never liked facebook but that is just stupid.
  15. A nice selection if you care to listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ6NsqM9uGQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrMz91eGJfM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dspUejggj1Q
  16. ^^almost a decade late I listened to this once and it left no lasting impression other than disappointment. It just wasn't Astral Projection as I knew them. Also I liked In The Mix, but this was just nothing but a precursor to AP going in a direction that saddened me
  17. It was years ago but it really feels like it was created for me right now. It's so beautiful
  18. Everything from Seb is brilliant. I am anticipating this far too much
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