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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Yes I am! And proud of it too! I'd hate to be a boring Normal person, liking what I'm expected (or expecting) to like! I'm happy to have different tastes
  2. Pitch Black - Halfway from Ape to Angel np the remix CD
  3. Or how about Cracy Face cons Radi into accepting a present ?
  4. Abasio, welcome to the 90s! Matsuri Productions had a great sound. So different, interesting, you know! And this is indeed a fine CD
  5. Could work! Mods? edit: Jikky gets Jiggy wid it!
  6. I miss all these things! Why don't people want to mix at 4am? Ay? Why not?
  7. I liked the crazy fazey title! How about crazy fazey's big christmas bonanza?
  8. Well, the edit to the 1st post makes mine kind of redundant Snap up that album & comp from par-2 peeps, you'll not regret getting those for free
  9. Seems like I missed it! Damn foreign countries with their time differences
  10. Nice one Bruva!! You are da man! For all those wanting Jikkenteki's The Long Walk Home, if you don't win it from Faze just buy it. It's definately paying for & it's damn cheap. $13 including shipping. http://www.par-2.com/frame-main.htm Go on! It's christmas.
  11. After 6 months I haven't listened to this one probably since I reviewed it. It's not a bad CD (apart from 2 tracks) but it's not good enough to make me want to listen to it. & those 2 crap crap CRAAAAP tracks make this quite avoidable.
  12. How old are you? If you are old enough for a credit card then you should get one. Just be responsible with it! Ordering from saiko for me is cheaper than going to the shops here (although I love going to the shops) even if I get courier delivery!
  13. at the top of the main board index page it says Psynews.org latest news: pleiadians new album does anyone care even when it's not true
  14. Can't get enough of this album. Had it on repeat while I slept & I had, interseting dreams!
  15. If you like dakini's style then this is definately worth checking out. A good comp for sure!
  16. Just noticed that I can finally have a personal photo!
  17. Not listened to the GMS one yet. I'll try that tomorrow when I'm less tired. The Dakini Release is a nice, cool ethnic compilation. Not your overused ethnic sample but really well done ethnic (arabic/eastern/oriental) music! Enjoying this right now! Everything I've heard from tsuyoshi's psy days was great so I have high hopes for when I listen to this tomorrow too
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