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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Don't you think Dorset Perception is world music? It's pretty Samba! What's wrong with world music anyway?
  2. Yeah. I wait & wait but it doesn't arrive. But when I ordered Asura - Code Eternity it was in my mail box before I had time to wait
  3. abasio


    Where do you live? Here it seems to be hot forever but then the temperature drops to fucking freezing over night! hehe. I often go for pounding trance when I have a headache. it muscles the headache out of the way.
  4. Hol Baumann - Live @ Sonic
  5. Pre orders at twisted.co.uk now
  6. Ended up sending my brother Artifakts II & Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home I wonder if he'll like them. At least he'll have something decent for me to put on when I visit him
  7. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Mos 6581
  8. Yeah they are pretty quick to Japan so to Denmark should be lightening quick!
  9. Man I'm really looking forward to the new album. It should be with me in the next few days!
  10. I remember people saying things like that too but I didn't see it. Maybe the tempo was similar in parts but I found each track very different not a cohesive whole. Everytime I really started getting into a track it stopped & changed. That pissed me off. They should release full length versions of all those tracks Shpongle 4? What will it be like I wonder.
  11. It's a shame paypal suspended my account for using too much money FUCKERS! I would have loved the CD of Prepare your Spirit
  12. What is this like? I've been umming and ahhing over wether to buy this one.
  13. w00t? I was still under the impression that there wouldn't be a new shpongle except that box thing that still has not seen the light of day? quote taken from the twisted site's front page 'thank you' article 655500[/snapback] Yeah that does sound a bit weird. I'd like them to rerelease shpongle 3 with proper length tracks. I liked a lot of the music but you couldn't get into it because it was over in just a few minutes! If they do make a fourth I hope they don't stick 20 tracks on 1 CD again. BTW I noticed Prometheus - Corridor of Mirrors is now on pre order at twisted.
  14. The 1st shpongle album is the most entrancing IMO followed by Twisted! The 2nd Shpongle is the most fun though
  15. This is the fucking badger's nadgers! I really fucking like this!
  16. I'm going to bitch about answers! How dare people answer me, or not answer me. Whichever happens!
  17. abasio


    Damn Autumn didn't last long here! 2 or 3 weeks Now it's bastard cold, I'm freezing my nuts of every morning & listening to faster music! The Far east Technology really hit my winter fullon vibe
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