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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I have only the white one & the yellow one, although the rest are on my to buy list as both that I have are really good!
  2. This is old school for you? Sorry man! But
  3. No one listens to old school but me np It's oscillating
  4. No but I saw it a few months ago & passed it up
  5. Why listen to solutions? What would we have to bitch about then, ay?
  6. Was sent this info from aleph zero The new Shulman album is ready- the name is "Endless Rhythms of the Beatless Heart"- and it is a challenging musical journey as only Shulman can deliver! We can promise you it is as groundbreaking as the previous Shulman albums were when they were first released. The tracks are now getting the last tweaks and the cover is being conceived already, so you can expect it early next year. I'm looking forward to a proper album from Shulman. The last on was okay but lacked direction (Obviously) but this sounds more promising!
  7. I bought it in Tower Records Almost on 1st listen. 2nd time I might not be able to control myself! np Re:evolution CD2 Cass
  8. They don't have to offer COD you know. It's a luxury you have to pay for. In life there are often the 2 options 1. Cheap & crap 2. Expensive & good in this case you pay for the protection of not giving you credit card details.
  9. Blue Planet Corporation - Cyclothmic So soft and smooth. It's like listening to silk as is the whole mix by Cass on Re:evolution. So dreamy & psychedelic but no harsh acid sounds (which I actually like) but just so nice
  10. COD is probably so expensive because there is the chance that when they get to the door, you have no money to pay, or it's been a big scam! I mean you could just order from the internet with COD give someone else's address & just laugh at your clever twatness now couldn't you? They have to protect themselves from pricks!
  11. imbecile = very very stupid person It's not polite mate.
  12. It is but it takes time to discover it's trueness
  13. It's like trying to talk to a wall with a moustache!
  14. Greetings ! We are sending the new Carbon based lifeforms today. You should receive it next week. Kindest regards. Natacha. _____________________________________ Yey Yey Yey YEY!!!
  15. A few of the tracks look the same buut less than half I think!
  16. Think it might be just Japan disk 1 ape to angel disk 2 remixes JP edition
  17. Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station Good for a sore head
  18. I like the pitch black CD! This includes the remix CD
  19. Aye, that's the one! Well no I'm a liar! A dirty stinking LIAR! I bought half way from ape to angel!
  20. stfu face Aye it's a remix album with the original Cheap too, it was
  21. I got a nice surprise when I got home from work
  22. Radi Radi Radi Learn how to take a bit of critisism! I've heard some really good constructive critisism here & if you don't take it your music will never get any better! If you really think you are as good as Simon Posford then why do you like his music so much?
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