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Everything posted by abasio

  1. What was the thinking behind TEN? I mean WTF? Please word it just like that
  2. Yes I would like to know. My Favourite: Artifakt Brilliant stuff!!
  3. If you like shpongle check this CD out. Still in stock at saiko sounds. Go on... click it
  4. Bingo Check out the tracklist 1 Solar Quest - Escape Velocity (2:36) 2 Deep Space Network - Zenn La (5:16) 3 Spacetime Continuum - Pressure (9:01) 4 Solar Quest - Set The Heart For The Bass Of The Sun (5:13) 5 Journeyman - Mama 6 (Pt 1) (3:34) 6 Children Of The Bong - The Veil (8:08) 7 Solar Quest - Suspended Animation (No Looking Back) (5:53) 8 Banco De Gaia - Mafich Arabi (7:28) 9 Solar Quest - Event Horizon (9:54) 10 Natacha Atlas - Yalla Chant (5:37) 11 Coba - Circo Italiano (5:39) 12 Loreena McKennitt - Samain Night (3:59) 13 Solar Quest - Ouranaz (2:15) Lots of Solar Quest
  5. But I'm going to sleep, this does the job both ways. Great CD
  6. I would have liked to have seen the reaction of the crowd in that second
  7. Very excited by this still! Put in my pre order so it'll be a nice surprise in my post box one morning/evening! Yey.
  8. I'm listening to Xtra Unit - Mutant Rebellion & it's a hard dark psychedelic track but somewhere near the end they bring it almost a backstreet boys sample. It was all in one. It was only there for a second but was very noticable. I can't make my mind up if it was great or really really bad? Anyone else heard this track?
  9. Western Rebel Alliance - Slewake
  10. Chavs rapping to Hallucinogen. Still making me laugh when I think about it! TWATS
  11. Digital Talk - Far Side Fullon A nice dark piece of fullon from timecode. It's tight and cool & the rolling baseline, while quite prominent still manages to fit the track very well & drives it rather than making it sound shit. Lots of psychedelic noises in the background. I like this sort of fullon because it reminds me of good minimal/progressive with it's layers. Obviously it's faster but for me it's something that really needs concentration to fully appreciate.
  12. Oood's new album is on my list as is prometheus - corridor of mirrors if it meets it's release date.
  13. abasio


    Been listening to a lot of fullon recently but I think this is more a hangover from the summer It is getting darker though
  14. I don't find the prices too bad. I love the bonus tracks & early release dates are great. We got WRA what? 8 months before it was released? No that must have been some shitty distributing.
  15. No Joy! Probably will have to go to Tokyo for that one I did however pick up Cryptology (Timecode) Sonic Solutions (Timecode)
  16. Do I need to sign up again? I like those reviews
  17. Tales... Shpongleyes Around the world in a Tea daze
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