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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I have a shaman CD, not that one & I forget the title although the cover is more orange (can't believe how lazy I am, it's less than 7m away but that's awhole new room) anyway it's another CD that is on my bought, listened to once & never again list. Is shaman worth another try do you think?
  2. Think of the space! I'd rather do the overtime! Which I am doing again this weekend but at least it's an extra $100 for 4 hours work I'll be able to buy quite a few new things with that
  3. I have so many CDs that I like or love all the way through. I like my avatar too np Beautiful CD especially the title track
  4. It seems only me & traveller liked this one. What do you think of it?
  5. I could get a flatmate then I could buy sooooo much music with the money I saved but then I'd have to live with someone else & probably have to listen to their pop. No, that's never going to happen
  6. Okay Space Cadet! Report back in 2 weeks! & Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos
  7. This album for me was just so acidic! It almost hurt when I listened to it on headphones some of the sounds were that raw. I like it on speakers a lot though
  8. I've been thinking about getting this but I own every track except Doof - Voodoof. Is it worth getting?
  9. Nice one mate! I really digged, lost entertainment! I'm sure going to check this
  10. abasio

    Elysium - Monzoon

    Got this recently & I'd have to day it is a very good album. My favourite track is Interpertation of dreams but they are all good
  11. The best order odonata IMO I think the first 4 tracks are unbelievably good. The last three tracks are just amazing. The only track I don't really like it "atoms" & the best track is the phreaky track. That is one of my all time favourites.
  12. abasio

    KURO - Revolution

    Has noone else heard this album? Really? It's brilliant
  13. not heard anything about Sensient - AntiFlouro, is it good?
  14. abasio

    Sandman - Witchcraft

    I got this a while ago (the reissue) & I agree. This is quite dark, but not black! It has nice dark night time atmospheres but not horror movie stuff. Except the nightmare sample
  15. This is a bloody good album. It's not perfect & but it's worth the amount of praise it gets
  16. I was thinking of getting this one. Is it worth paying money for?
  17. 25 ay? That's old to be student. You must be smart then? I gave up studying 4 years ago. Now I am the same age as you. But with money Well not really I have really high rent & a shit load of tax. & an addiction to buying music Can't save!
  18. Almost can't wait for Mai Mai but the rest of the CD is (just) awesome so I'll refrain from skipping
  19. I pick a CD then I don't have to choose for another 60-80 minutes. I'm lazy (& silky too ) but I'm not that lazy.
  20. Your thread title was "the use of stupid voicesamples in "new" tracks"
  21. Don't need a radio station I have loads of old school on my shelves as well as different styles. I don't like other people choosing what I hear.
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