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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Actually it was 7 times in a row, beat that. I stayed in this morning and afternoon & as I live in the far east noone else is around at that time np Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden Lovin' the Ultimae today
  2. The face is just so ugly It's a butt ugly cover IMO
  3. Downloaded Kino Oko - atomic corner (sergio walgood remix) A cool track but either production errors in places or a shitty download
  4. Other awesome tracks that I've not seen anyone else talking about are Hol Baumann - Bombay Radio The last track on Fahrenheit Project 6, great vocal sample. Sounds familiar yet unknown. I like very much. Western Rebel Alliance - Falling The album on a whole was quite dissapointing but this track was a highlight. Very dark & haunting, the lyrics go well & add to the atmosphere. Androcell - Atmos-Spheres The best track on Efflorescence IMO. You do belong here with us among the clouds is a nice sample & distinctive melodies make me smile when they come on. Kuba - Don't Panic A nice relaxing number reminds me of beaches & sunsets
  5. Now here's an ugly cover! Probably ugly music too.
  6. 9 months on & I still really dig this album. One of the best I've heard from Dakini records. Sazanami & Qi Gong in particular are absolutely amazing and I am eagerly awaiting more stuff from Puff Dragon. I'm surprised that such a quality album would get no comments at all Did anyone else like this album?
  7. Irukandji - Whales Street has some whale sounds in it. Something that could easily have sounded shit but it doesn't. It's a really good track
  8. Do! I downloaded these albums but I still really want to get the original CDs. I wish ultimae would reissue them. The atrwork on aes dana - aftermath looks beautiful. I want it !!
  9. Hol Baumann - Bombay Radio Fantastic asian sample, it finishes off Fahrenheit Project part 6 & Hol's live at Sonic set Fantastic track.
  10. I agree. A baseline that changes & is a tune usually sounds quite good but just having a droning sound that is continuous & doesn't change is pointless for me.
  11. I can access it now! Still can't find the subgardens sample. I'd like to know if it's from something or an original. Love that sample, so soft & beautiful
  12. Have you heard artists who copy hallucinogen's ideas? How do they sound? Did you like them or did you think they were just a 3rd rate copy of something you love? Do you want to be that copy? Use your own ideas Radi, your music will be better for it.
  13. Listening to this again! Yes Faze it is! I'm really looking forward to an album from this guy. This set is one of the best I've heard this year
  14. Yes God Bless you for forgetting shpongle
  15. Anybody? What defines newschool?
  16. 650 euros That's too much! Is the music that good or is it just a collector's piece?
  17. I got these yesterday & they came in little zippy files. I had the hardest time figuring out how to actually open them but when I did I was well chuffed with myself. Using a Japanese computer makes you feel like an iliterate But gives you a sense of achievement when you get it right
  18. How many sugars would Hallucinogen take? I guess 1 because he's ordinary
  19. I started listening to that at 4am this morning & I am shamed to have fallen asleep. Before I did though it was PCG np Aes Dana - Season 5
  20. For me Psychill is anything downbeat psychedelic. From beatless ambient to morning trance (ex Blue Planet Corporation). See I'm not very good with people's genres. I couldn't give a shit what people call music as long as I like it! Everytime I put a new chill CD into my ipod I label it as chillout. I can listen to Massive Attack followed by some pete namlook followed by aes dana then slackbaba & Puff Dragon. All wildly different from each other but it shares the common link that I need. It's relaxing to listen to For me there is only chill & I think there has been some fantastic releases recently. Ultimae brought (and are bringing) out some damn fine stuff this year, there was some nice stuff on the Kettel album, Jikkenteki's album had a brilliant chill CD and don't forget Androcell, slackbaba & the comilations, relaxed journeys & downbeat liquid. Thinking of it, this has been a great year for Psychill! I have loved a lot of releases!
  21. I'm sure the music in this album will be excellent but I am also sure that they will ruin it with shit vocals & cheesy samples.
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