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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I have been struggling to find hard copies of some ultimae releases, but Ultimae.com directed me to Fake Science where they have a lot of ultimae releases for download at $5 a piece. I want to get Hol Baumann - Live at Sonic Ultimae - Fahrenheit Project part 3 & 4 Aes Dana - Aftermath: Archives of Peace Aes Dana - Season Five I don't usually like downloading music but seeing as I can't get hold of the CDs & this comes recommended by the label, I think I'll give it a go
  2. Cheers but no joy Maybe they don't want Japanese searching through their site
  3. Yeah, I've enjoyed all X-Dream's albums
  4. Must just be me then. When I click the link I just get ページを表示できません。 検索中のページは現在、利用できません。Web サイトに技術的な問題が発生しているか、ブラウザの設定を調整する必要があります。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 次のことを試してください: [更新] ボタンをクリックするか、後でやり直してください。 アドレス バーにページ アドレスを入力した場合は、ページ アドレスを正しく入力したかどうかを確認してください。 接続の設定を確認するには、[ツール] メニューの [インターネット オプション] をクリックします。[接続] タブで [ダイヤルアップの設定] グループの [設定] ボタン、または [LAN の設定] グループの [LAN の設定] ボタンをクリックしてください。 設定情報は、LAN (ローカル エリアネット ワーク) の管理者か、ISP (インターネット サービス プロバイダ) が提供する情報と一致する必要があります。 インターネット接続が検出されているかどうかを確認してください。ネットワーク管理者が設定を有効にしている場合は、Microsoft Windows を設定して、ネットワークを検査して、自動的にネットワーク接続設定を検出することができます。 [ツール] メニューの [インターネット オプション] をクリックしてください。 [接続] タブで [LAN の設定] をクリックしてください。 [設定を自動的に検出する] を選択し、[OK] をクリックしてください。 サイトによっては 128 ビットの接続セキュリティを要求するものがあります。[ヘルプ] メニューの [バージョン情報] をクリックして、インストールした暗号強度を確認してください。 セキュリティで保護されたサイトを表示するには、セキュリティの設定でそのサポートがされているかどうかを確認してください。[ツール] メニューの [インターネット オプション] をクリックします。[詳細設定] タブで、[セキュリティ] までスクロールし、[sSL 2.0 を使用する]、[sSL 3.0 を使用する]、[TLS 1.0 を使用する]、および [PCT 1.0 を使用する] チェック ボックスをオンにしてください。 別のリンク先を表示するには、[戻る] ボタンをクリックしてください。 What is LAN?
  5. I really enjoy this compilation. Had it for quite a while now & it keeps getting back into the player It starts off absolutely brilliantly. The 1st 2 tracks are out of this world fantastic & although the rest of the tracks are really good it climaxes too soon. All in all I would highly recommend this comp!
  6. Jikkenteki - Slippery Slopes
  7. What's happened to this site? Is it just down for now or it gone? I can't access.
  8. Cool. I'll check it out. np Oliver Jones - Picking up the Pieces This is a nice chilled release that I think seems to have passed everyone by. It's knida housey & jazzy at times. It has some nice melodies in there & some psychedelia too. A lot of it is quite subtle & it has sounded different each time I've listened to it. Not a monumental masterpiece but a nice solid release. Check out Benchmark Modesty, the best track on the album for me
  9. Underrated in the world of music in general but overrated in our little scene!
  10. I have heard some really nice IDM recently. It's a genre I've just got in to but I have already come across a lot of releases that have really not impressed me. Some of them have been dull & boring to me. Obviously not all IDM. I don't know how people can say that an entire genre sucks. This year I have heard great albums & crap albums from all different styles from minimal to full on! & I was very impressed with PKS's 2 compilations
  11. Just listened to it & I think the intro fits in the track very well. For me it's no better than the rest of the track so I don't feel let down
  12. Yeah. Simon's chilled stuff is excellent but I'm not a fan of his recent trance. He's done a lot of collaborations which were less than impressive.
  13. Not heard this track in ages but as I remember it was one of my favourite Juno Reactor tracks. Juno vs Hallucinogen? I'd have to give it to Juno, I think they are better at being diverse than hallucinogen. Each JR album is a different masterpiece IMO while hallucinogen hasn't released anything that's tickled my oooo button since the lone deranger
  14. I often listen to old school! I'm sure I have posted the old school I've listened to too! You are not alone Radi! You just don't know all the old school artists. I see them often in the music threads
  15. I like psy chill! I listen to lots of it & I still get into it. Try not to burn yourself out in any genre guys!
  16. Damn! I wanted to know that one
  17. abasio

    Raja Ram presents

    I really think that this hasn't got as much attention as it deserves. I know a lot of people are going to be putoff by the full on baseline in some tracks but all in all this is a quality release. I have actually listened to it many number of times
  18. I'm listening to Raja Ram's Evolution of Expanded Consciousness. I'm sure everyone wrote this off as being usual TIP bollocks but this is definately the best stuff I've heard from TIP since the Crystal Skulls. It's not as good as those comps but it's definately worth checking out if you liked them.
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