Not the best in the series but it's a damn fine release. Some beautiful tracks all with a nice dreamy floaty atmosphere.
Irukandji - Whales Street is one of my favourites, subtle whale sounds actually fit in well.
Cell - Erasing Pluto, H.U.V.A Network - Orientations, Aes Dana - Bam, Solar Fields - Levitate, well everything from these guys is gold and they don't lets us down on this comp either some excellent relaxing vibes come your way even if they don't completely stun you.
Scann-Tek - ASD, Sundial - Together we are... [scann-tec rmx]. This comp was the 1st I've heard from sundial or scann-tec but on the strength of the tracks here I'll be keeping an eye out for more stuff.
Hol Baumann - Radio Bombay, this guy seems to be on every ultimae comp & rightly so. I'd like to see an artist album from this guy