I know it's too late but here's what I thought of that track!
8. The Bomb
They really wanted the self titled track to stand out I think because they sandwiched it between the too worst electric guitar ridden pieces of generic guitar fullon shit I've heard recently. As you can guess by the title this track is crap. Absolute crap. No wait it's not crap it's utter, horrible, disgusting, faeces, eating hot poker through the eye then pour lemon juice into the gaping wound CCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
It's painfully bad. If you listen to this and you didn't like science then make SURE you skip this. If you thought science was okay then make SURE you skip this. If you thought science was really good then make SURE you skip this. I don't like rating things with numbers but I'll make an exception for this track 0/10. FUCKING AWFUL PIECE OF SHIT! Should be skipped if you listen to it.