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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Got a treat this morning Phutureprimitive - Subconscious Omnimotion - Omnimotion
  2. So waht are your choices? Or are you scared we'll all tell you you have crap taste
  3. Surely the ipod is the deal for wannabe DJs with no records right?
  4. Irukandji - Whales Street
  5. abasio


    Hmmmmm! Maybe I should try another album by them.
  6. Muppets like repetitive SHITE!
  7. Not sure if it's the worst but the most dissapointing piece of crap had to be Electric Universe - Vomit in Action! The track the Bomb had to be the worst track I've ever heard. Some tracks were okay, some were garbage but that track was pure hell to sit through
  8. No a DJ needs discs! Without that he could be playing anything. My mate could make me a mix & could press play at a party, that doesn't make me a DJ
  9. No I meant to say that when I had a lack of music I didn't listen to much at all. I watched TV instead. If you listen to great music over and over and over then it becomes normal, ordinary & average. I like to listen to as much as possible so music never feels ordinary!
  10. It's very chilled! The sort of stuff that floats through your subconscious! I found it emotional but I'm not sure it's the melodious emotions you're looking for. Still it's nice.
  11. Good choice np Fahrenheit Project 6 ready for sleeping soon
  12. Patchwork's Album Patchworks on Spirit Zone is also nice
  13. Yeah! but I remeber when I only had 1 or 2 CDs. I watched a lot of TV
  14. If you're a fan of Ultimae than I'm sure you'll really like it
  15. Any news on when this is coming out?
  16. Jikkenteki - Ambiguity closely followed by Jikkenteki - Stepping Forward & Jikkenteki - An Angel Takes Flight Thank you sir!
  17. I like it a lot after 3 listens. My favourites so far are Irukandji - Whales Street Solar Fields - Levitate Hol Baumann - Radio Bombay
  18. Mr Perculiar - Mind Dala Scorb - Scorb or Save the Robot - Battle of the Mind (somehow keeps getting back into my CD player )
  19. Try some of the Spirit Zone compilations. After no 2 the 2nd CD was an ambient CD with music just like you want. No 3 actuall has Electric Universe - Alien Encounter on it!
  20. Then try Space Tribe's downbeat aswell a Kick Bong!
  21. It seems I was right!! And I didn't even have to consult the godlike-pedia
  22. You're working on a follow up? Cool. You seem to have lots of talent, judging by this album & your compilation tracks I'm sure your next work is going to be good
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