Here are some pictures I took today. I know they are very amateur looking but that's because I'm an amateur. Anyway I like them.
Birds of Prey at Sunset
Kids Playing in a Colourful Fountain
More Colours
My lady
these pics and more at
Just how long did it take? I have been waiting quite a while it seems for my order. All though they did send me an email saying it might be 6 weeks before it gets to me
Flying Rhino were fucking Excellent. So many Great albums & comps loads of good ones & just a few average ones in my opinion! One of my favourite labels ever
If you only listen to the "masterpieces" of which there are of course very few then won't you get bored of them?
Also you will lose out on a lot of great music as a lot of albums have great tracks + good tracks & might not be considered a masterpiece even if some of the tracks are. Savvy?
I've listened to this 3 times now. The 1st 2 times I fell asleep & the 3rd time I really didn't hear anything that struck my interest at all. I don't think it sounds to much like their previous albums because those albums had really memorable tracks that hit me from the 1st listen. This seemed more like background music. I'll give it a few more tries but overall a big disappointment!
I remember hearing a lot of stuff in Goa! But the track that stood out for me the most was Technossomy - Kozmotron It took me years to track down the album, synthetic flesh but now every time I play that track it brings back memories of pure goa!
Good choice! A lot of great goa tracks on this one starting with Genetic - Transmission & culminating in Hallucinogen - LSD! God Paul used to have good taste!