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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Happy New Year I hope you all had a great 2013 and that 2014 will be even better!! I had a nice quite evening out on the town that ended up with Karaoke. New Year's day has got the year up and running. Already emergencies to mop up at work despite being closed for a week. Fun fun fun. Do you have plans for thus year? Just trying to survive another one?
  2. On my way back from Kyoto. Fit in a little sightseeing before returning to Tokyo. Last night's party was everything you'd expect from a Japanese management party, lots of sycophantic suck ups pretending they could really appreciate the 200 grand bottle of wine and giving me disapproving stares when I commented to el presidento that it doesn't taste much different from a mid priced bottle. Lots of speeches, back patting, thanks for this year and please do more next years. 6 separate venues, didn't have to pay a dime.
  3. I was listening to Bamboo Forest - Bamboo Forest in a bamboo forest
  4. I went to that museum too, it was great and you get to watch an unreleased short. The only disappointment was that only kids were allowed on the cat-bus
  5. 5am here, just had a 4 hour chinwag with another disgruntled manager about the state of affairs. Nothing's going to change but it's good to get it out
  6. Warhammer 40,000 war porn is high brow?
  7. I'm heading into Kyoto for our New Year party. I believed that I would have this day off until 3 days ago when I was informed that I was attending. Didn't have time to book a bullet train and ended up on a much later than acceptable one in the smoking car. People really should never be aloud to smoke on a train, it stinks to high heaven here.
  8. Pleidaians - Family of Light
  9. Do you still have Darshan - Awakening?
  10. I love Akira, GITS, Ghibli etc but I feel like it's something to be savoured. I cannot watch it too often.
  11. I'm reading this http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13632835-betrayer Aaron Dembski Bowden is actually a very strong writer and has drawn me in with all his novels that I have read. This one about mindless beserkers could have been awful but I'm really enjoying it a lot.
  12. ^^^looking forward to that. That Phobium release looks great My favourites from this year or last year are Sync 24 Comfortable void 36 Hypersomnia Oxycanta III not sure when Hibernation did Tales of the coin spinner but that's phenomenal.
  13. I've been away for too long but I'd really like to know some results from this...
  14. I think it's like a tea strainer, but you put the loose tea in an enclosed ball and let it stew in the boiling water for a while.
  15. Just woken up after falling asleep again in the living room. my back hurts
  16. Man with no Name - Teleport
  17. saw the novatek version of this in Shibuya today for $50 a bit much for the novatek version but still, it shows that there's still a decent demand
  18. Basically years unaccounted for, not studying, training in a job finding program, looking after a sick relative, attempting their own enterprise or the sort of thing that can account for being out of work. I know it's hard to find a job, which is why it's important to be doing something worthwhile when out of work. Be it training or volunteer work, it fills the gap on the cv and looks more attractive to potential employers.
  19. Well I did spend a long time with him to practice everything he needed to do but at the end of the day he was just unresponsive and couldn't do it. Oh, well, maybe he'll be able to find an easier job next year.
  20. Bespectacled
  21. Tetsu Inoue - Ambiant Otaku
  22. Lovely stuff np/ Solar Quest - Orgship
  23. This is one of the best albums I've ever heard. In all the years I have never grown tired of a single track. My favourites are Octofunk and Rock Bitch but to be honest they're all fantastic. While every track is amazing as a stand alone track they do still work better as a full album. If you like full on (not fullon) acidic goa then this is a must have.
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