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Everything posted by abasio

  1. That was my interpretation too. Fits the context of the scene a lot more.
  2. A fantastic album to listen to while dozing. The layers of sound really hits me in this state. Great album!!
  3. Deep Forest - Boheme np Gathering, one of my favourites from Deep Forest
  4. Banco De Gaia - China (Clouds Not Mountains) Banco De Gaia - Kinkajou (Duck! Asteroid) Enigma - Morphing Through Time Enigma - TNT for the Brain Enigma - Principles of Lust Enigma - The Screen Behind the Mirror Enigma - Silence Must be Heard Deep Forest - Bulgarian Melody Synaesthesia - Intelligence Dream are all names I like!
  5. Synaesthesia - Desideratum
  6. Spooky!! How many last posts do you have on this page? I really like Amethystium's albums but noone else seems to care
  7. Amethystium - Evermind
  8. God! That sounds bloody awful. Are they really that bad? I never thought they would be good enough to bother watching live but I wouldn't have imagined they were that vomit worthy.
  9. Fuzzion - Black Magic is one of the most different sounding psy (while still being very good) I've heard in ages.
  10. Damn National holiday today meant the post didn't come with my CDs but it did mean work was very easy
  11. Amethystium - Aphelion
  12. Solstice Black Compilation #2 Techno/Tech Trance As a fresh new series, the ‘SOLSTICE BLACK COMPILATION’ drew enthusiastic reactions from all over the world with it's first release. Now we see the second installment brought to you by the same compiler, XAVIER MOREL. Focusing on more of the techno style than the previous incarnation, featuring tracks such as PASCAL F.E.O.S.’s remix of the X-DREAM classic ‘Ultratube’; the collaboration of DJ HELL with JOHANNES HEIL, a key personality in German Techno heading the crucial imprint Kanzleramt; the latest tune by THOMAS P. HECKMANN (under the WELT IN SCHERBEN moniker) whose hit ‘Crunch One’ was named “the best techno track” last year. FRONT 242 also made it into this compilation under the alias PL. CODENYS. JOHN SELWAYS’s remix of KOXBOX ‘Woolectrix’ is another example of how this compilation features the artists who represent the techno scene of today. XAVIER himself takes part with his collaboration unit with EAT STATIC called MX EXPERIENCE. This album pushes even further into the crossover trance/techno genre and is likely to attract an even wider audience than the original. Tracklist 1. DJ HELL vs J.HEIL / P.D.D (JOHANNES HEIL EDIT) 2. X-DREAM / ULTRATUBE (PASCAL F.E.O.S TREATMENT RMX) 3. WELT IN SCHERBEN / ASTROGATOR 4. JUNO REACTOR / MONA LISA OVERDRIVE (THOMAS P.HECKMANN RMX) 5. THE DELTA / WARP 6. KOXBOX / WOOLECTRIX (JOHN SELWAY RMX) 7. JOHANNES HEIL / THINK TANK 8. CONTROL.F / MICRO MUSIC 9. P.CODENYS aka FRONT 242 / ABSOLUTE MILK 10. MX EXPERIMENTS / NEUTRALIZING AGENT Released October 2nd or 9th
  13. The Mystery of the Yeti np Tribal Gathering
  14. The Infinity Project - The Answer I heard it while taking a nap & it seeped into my semi conscious mind. Unbelievable.
  15. TIP's 12 compilation np Cyberbabas & Paul - g
  16. Sweet! np The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences
  17. The Mystery of the Yeti part II
  18. Simon Matthews - Tales of 10 Worlds
  19. Nah! Artist on a cover sucks! An arty shot of someone can look quite good. Can't think of any examples of the top of my head though!
  20. Enjoy! The Orb were fantastic last tiem I saw them live
  21. He leaves him in the hotel room for a few hours & when he comes back his mates all fucked up & going nuts. I think it means the drug can stab you in the back.
  22. Sasha - Airdrawndagger
  23. Not many of them around. Was it Dali who put herself on the cover. She was quite sexy but the cover still looked like it contained crap music for teeny boppers!
  24. M-Sphere - Electronic Relaxation
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