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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Total Eclipse - A little bit of heaven
  2. Ah, I remember when I had all that time to write in depth reviews. I'd love to have the time again and get back in the game.
  3. So basically it's all of them! Buy them now!? I realise that I still have money on a currency card from when I went to England, hopefully I have enough for 6
  4. 7/10 Hard, squelchy acidic brain grating trance
  5. Been listening online, so hard to choose. Must resist the temptation to get them all and give no presents this year... Which is the best D5 do you think?
  6. Artifakt 303 is basically where I left off so this is perfect. If you could recommend any 3, which would you recommend? I want the latest Filteria plus 2 more (or five).
  7. Yeah, I used to have a spam hat it enabled me to post almost constantly Hi
  8. Infected Mushroom - I'm the supervisor
  9. Hi I'm Abasio, I've been away for a year or so. Real life caught up with me unfortunately. I'm back now and hope to stay
  10. You don't need violence of suspense. A well crafted story will make you care about the characters so that you care what happens to them, then any time there is uncertainty in the story it creates suspense. It's the art of storytelling. Most people prefer a story with drama to just a dry telling of hat the life is like or how the machinery works.
  11. Go catholics! The types I mentioned are fairly rare, most atheists I've met have been rational open minded and sane. There is type of person though that needs to believe hole-heartedly in something. They'll generally join a major religion and become a fundie, there are some though that are not exposed to religious groups but to atheists, they listen to their atheist peers an then latch on to what was said and dial it upnto eleven. I don't believe in gods becomes there ARE no gods, how can you believe in something so chilish you moron. They grasp on to science like it's a religion, understanding only headlines but somehow believing 100% the idea they think they understand. Some people just need to believe in something, or the absence of something and it's not just religious zealots If I could guarantee in the future that you'd be the most hardcore anything I'd meet I'd be happy. Unfortunately I've met far too many hardcore believers and none believers to last me a lifetime. If there was an alien species advanced enough to have created our world or our universe, wouldn't they actually be creator gods?
  12. While it may have nothing to do with atheism, it's not true that no atheists actually believe this. You can't make blanket statements like no atheists believes this because you've not met every atheist. I have met atheists that did believe this therefore I can say some atheists do believe it. It's a statement like that which is made by the hardcore atheists I've met that I would liken to fundamentalist religious types. Most atheists I have met have not been level 5: 100% sure that no deities exist, because people understand that there are limits to our knowledge and understanding and there is always the possibility, even if we don't fully believe it, that there is more to reality that we have in front of us which means there could be, even if it's a remote possibility, a deity or deity level entity. Some however have the strong belief that no entities like that can possibly exist, they don't believe it, they know it like strong religious believers know that there is a god. You're lucky if you've never met them because they give others a bad name, just like the hardcore religious nut jobs who give normal, rational religious people a bad name.
  13. I like a bit of drama but I find most movies have absolutely none at all. It seems most Hollywood movies, there is no question as to whether the protagonist will win the day, and this makes the story fairly boring for me. I'd like movies to have an equal chance of having a happy or unhappy ending. Then I might feel a bit of suspense instead of sitting there knowing that he'll get out of this precarious situation or knowing that the couple will get back together.
  14. Haha, you caught me. However if I was sending a CV to a company I'd make sure I checked it first And yes, the people I rejected for slagging off their ( ) former employers got really angry when I asked about any previous conflict they'd had. One started shaking and didn't calm down until after the interview.
  15. Some wonderful stuff here, I'll have a busy few days trying to listen to everything
  16. This What really like is that it's not catchy, it doesn't get stuck in my head so it always sounds fresh when I listen to it.
  17. Vibrasphere - Selected Downbeats
  18. I'm thinking of the hardcore atheists that strongly believe that there is no chance of anything greater than ourselves. I don't mean the thought that we are the pinnacle of evolution but that our kind of life is all there could possibly be. There could so easily be a form of life so different from our own that they appear as gods, powerful enough that they could have created another species/universe. Like our universe is just a fart from a being of unimaginable scale I heard this a while ago, I like the crazy theories. Another is that we are a computer simulation. The theory is that in a simulation you can only zoom in so far before you get to the basic pixels. They've actually found a limit to ho far we can zoom in to our existence making some believe we're just another society's simulation.
  19. They are much less likely to stay very long in a job with a salary much lower than they can get elsewhere with they're qualifications. I don't want to waste time and money training them, just for them to quit 3 months in for a better job. In the past this has happened repeatedly so now I just reject them. Those that don't quit because they can't find a better job are rarely happy and create an uncomfortable working environment for others.
  20. Younger Brother - Last Days Of Gravity
  21. I've been curious about the new Filteria, but saving for my wedding so I will need to add it to my Christmas list.
  22. I'm a pretty spiritual person. The thought that humans are the pinnacle of everything in existence just smacks of arrogance so atheism doesn't sit well with me. I believe that there must be something greater than us. I don't believe in an omniscient or omnipresent god or an ultimate evil. I can't believe any god would give his people something safe, healthy, fun and harmful to no one like masturbation, then say it's a sin. If they did then they are likely a 10 year old kid with acceptance problems. If the Abrahamic god exists, then I'm sure they must be a higher lifeform with a easy life kit. Then even immature "gods" could control worlds. If our Abrahamic religions are true, I believe we must have an immature god as our world is fucked up and any omniscient being controlling this globe must be either immature or retarded. I'm more of the belief that we've been created by something that does not take an active interest in how things turn out. We are by now means the pinnacle of evolution but we are not controlled b a benevolent force. I also like the basic ideas of most religions but the way they have been twisted by people over the years to use them to exclude and/or control people is sickening. All preach peace and love but many followers use the writings for hate, control and exclusion. I know that most religious people are not like this but I think there is not enough one against þhe few that fuck up the image or the rest.
  23. I can't believe this was nearly 4 years ago
  24. Random bump I think this was one of my finest.
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