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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Moshic - The Kid, The Piano, The War
  2. Great compilation. Very relaxed, dreamy and atmospheric. Beautiful artwork on the cover & beautiful music on the CD
  3. Tsunami Benefit CD1 Quite a nice collection of chilled out tunes. Now I must say.
  4. Don't have these I'll have to check them out could be expensive
  5. Great album. Very chilled with nice influences. The only problem is that it's a little short & there has never been any kind of follow up.
  6. ヤエイ スナピンホ edit: there is a button my keyboard that makes it so I can write in english, the only way to reverse it is to reboot above it says yey snapinho
  7. Good Good Good Goodヌ モン ソラモセナカイス ニト コスラノイミ
  8. There is a lot of crap to search through but you do find some gems hidden in the horse shit!
  9. Why? Being elitist about music is just about liking what you like. If you don't feel elitist about music then you just end up up listening to music you think is sub par
  10. I thought the pleiadians were the 7 sisters! As I said before, it seems like everyone thinks this is going to be shitty so it'll probably be a nice surprise.
  11. I really thought more people would be interested in a new eat static album. I suppose nelly hip pop shit is more popular nowadays
  12. Sense the sarcasm! It's a shame that Nelly Retardo gets more attention here than eat static
  13. abasio

    Artifakt - Artifakt II

    I can see why male was originally called sex. It samples a japanese woman cumming loudly
  14. Liquid Sound Design just had a release so there may be breath in the old dog yet!
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