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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Tripswitch - Deer Park An all time favourite The progression in the track is fantastic
  2. abasio


    It's nice to know there are nice people isn't it?
  3. Great choice. Now playing I wish TIP would release some more chilled out music. So far they've all been great. This Spaceships of the imagination 1 & 2 (although 2 had a very questionable bonus CD) Mystery of the Yeti 1 & 2 Mystical Experiences I want more
  4. I find that songs don't stand the test of time as I get quickly bored by lyrics in music. Especially lyrics I can understand. That's why sample heavy music loses it's appeal very quickly for me. For me ONLY electronic music stands the test of time & continuous listens, but that's just me. I love electronic music.
  5. It's alright! It's pretty dark and fast and quite psychedelic. I'm not really into the forest scene (don't really know what it is) and I quite liked it. Nothing spectacular but worth getting IMO. np warmth in cold places
  6. Done! I'll find the original dirt cheap soon now no doubt!!
  7. I ordered from them once with no problems but this sort of thing willmake me think twice about ordering from them again!
  8. My God I have found myself listening to this Again!!!! It's really good. I am listening to other stuff to though Today I got through Puff Dragon - Sazanami Kuba - Inside Out Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker Gus Till - Electric Oceans Back Room Beats vol 2 at work. It was a good day
  9. Never really got into the Talpa album. It just felt like an early infected ripoff. Not bad but not GREAT!
  10. Angel Tears - D'Maot Malach From LSDs Mana Medicine Great track.
  11. Depends who wrote the view or gave the recommendation. If I think they generally have similar taste to me I might follow their advice. If they don't then I wouldn't.
  12. I thought The Loan Deranger was a very dissapointing follow up to Twisted. Best Psy Trance album that's been tested with time is for me.
  13. I think classic can be personal taste. I'm under no delusions in thinking that the albums I mentioned will be popular and talked about in years to come. Hell they aren't that popular now. But I'm pretty sure that I'll be listening to them in years to come. If that オ フォオ フクス セイク クラプ パソコン ダッン ニホンゴ Edit: damn computer, if I press caps lock it locks my keyboard onto katakana & I can't get it off unless I restart the damn thing. As I was saying If that's the case they will be classic for me!!
  14. Today at work I was listening to Youth - The Secret Language of Ordinary Objects Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home Kuba - Inside Out & Gaudi - Bass, Sweat & Tears (recently rediscovered this one, it's great) now playing Kino Oko - Lost Entertainment (Man upon the Rainbow)
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