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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Backroom Beats vol 2 np Egg - Lost at Sea (Vocal mix)
  2. When people talk about forest trance I always picture this but when I listen to it I always picture this guess it's all down to experience. I've never heard that style in a forest. Only at beach parties. Kuro - KTT
  3. Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station
  4. I prefer Gus Til's Electric Oceans. Much more of a story told in that album, I've been meaning to review that one for a while now but never got round to it
  5. That is a cool cover. Cool painting
  6. Chilled stuff I find to be really trippy is Shulman - Soundscapes & modern Tales, In search of a meaningful moment Entheogenic - Entheogenic, Spontaneous Illumination OTT - Hallucinogen in Dub, Blumenkraft V/A - Eclipse - A journey of permanence and impermanence Banco De Gaia - Last Train to Lhasa V/A - Liquid Dub vol 7 V/A - The future sound of ambient 3 & 4 The Mystery of the Yeti 1 & 2 The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences Ishq - Orchid Simon Posford from Shpongle fame had a hand in some of these.
  7. I be listening to It's been a while... now playing Shamanix, my favourite on the album.
  8. Dub Trees Nature never did betray the heart that loved her
  9. Check for yourself Click Me
  10. Amazing for an artists whose releases have been so different from each other to have kept the quality consistently high.
  11. Last train to Lhasa. Great Album.
  12. Cool cover, hows the music? np androcell - emotivision
  13. Best track today was Gaudi - Sufani Lovely
  14. Son Kite - Perpsectives of... S>Range - 2001 Atmos - Headcleaner Jaia - Fiction All very nice imo
  15. One of my favourite chill compilations
  16. Well, we have to see the picture of your mountain after every single one of your posts. I like pictures they stay in my memory much more than just writing does, so if I see the album in the record shop I might think oh, such & such was listening to that, he said it was good I'll give it a whirl. And a lot of album covers look cool anyway. Your mountain is just a big rock Now listening to Gaudi - Bass, Sweat & Tears
  17. I recently ordered this and jikkenteki's new album. Really looking forward to both. LSD are always great and Jikkenteki's tracks on A walk through neptunes garden were amazing.
  18. I love that album I recently listened to Singularity 2-001 for the 1st time in ages, I had forgotten how good the slinky nuns remix of klein aber doctor was. And Technosommy's The Joker is amazing
  19. very nice, quite relaxing trance
  20. Yeah, it's a cool CD. The review on discogs said it was bad so I was a little apprehensive but I really liked it
  21. Now playing 4D - Slivva (Slippery Drums), Amazing beats
  22. Just listened to Solar Quest - Anchors in the Mist not heard this for quite sometime, the atmosphere it creates is so dark. I love it!
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