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Everything posted by abasio

  1. in The Answer by The Infinity Project
  2. Me too, disk 2 was really interesting and different and I still listen to it quite often. God I hope not. They have the talent to make really quality releases. I didn't mind the last one even though the style was not what I'd hoped. I don't think we can write them off just yet.
  3. you never know. I got my copy on ebay a while back for around 30GBP.
  4. At this moment it's selling for quite cheap on ebay Here
  5. I've got this one and the quality of the music is really good. I'm not a hard core collector, I don't usually keep anything I don't like. I usually give it a few years to sink in though. Get this one for the musical quality.
  6. that might be in the same style as his track on the sky dancing 2 comp.mangrove
  7. I dreamt for a long time about a western rebel alliance album and now it's scheduled for release soon. Probably be dissapointing as Ive waited so long dreaming of a blue planet corp album pleiadians 3rd album a technosommy album as good as synthetic flesh something from TIP as good as the crystal skulls a slinky wizard album a hallucinogen album that wouldn't dissapoint everyone's escalated expectations trully impossible would be a trully killer release from me and more decent bamboo forest stuff.
  8. Im trying to listen to Aphelion by Amethystium but all I can hear is my girlfriends english game. She's pissed off because I scored much better. Like anyone cares.
  9. Makyo Swara Mandala Dakini Records Released November 1st 2005 Tracklist Clarity (Soft Prana Mix) 10.14 Laundry Girl (washed out remix) 8.07 Nourah 6.52 Shalale 6.42 Obsession 11.20 Clarity (Melting Snow Mix) 11.15 Skin As Soft As Starlight 10.06 At the centre of a mandala is a dot, or bindu, that represents Mount Meru (the mythical mountain at the centre of the Universe). The meditator should then enter the mandala, following the lines of power that lead towards Mount Meru. Once Entering the sacred space within the mandala, the individual is dissolved into the greater self... - Richard Waterstone 1. Clarity (Soft Prana Mix) A slow but heavyish start to the album. Some nice sounds used throughout the track and nice vocals sound very sensual but the first 7 minutes of the track are a little repetitive and it's only towards the end that it really gets going for me. 2. Laundry Girl (washed out remix) Nice underlying synths start this one off with nice percussion. Male vocals (don't know what they're saying or what language, something budhist?) sound okay at first but are a little to high pitch at times and can grate on your nerves after a while. These make way for a better finish again, with nicer, software sounds. 3. Nourah Some kind of flute melody kicks this track off and it sounds more promising. The vocal sample in this one is better and I like the baseline a lot. Much nicer sounds used in this one, strings along with the vocals give this track a more dreamy relaxed feel than the previous 2. This one progresses better so it stays interesting until the end. 4. Shalale Sounds like the deserts you see in movies. Very middle eastern vibe here. I can imagine walking through the desert, finding the oasis and watching belly dancer's. An instrument called a Saz is very prominent giving it this vibe. This track is much more vivid than the 1st 3 and has some really nice female vocals in it, occasionally slightly twisted and drawn out. 5. Obsession This one is more chilled. Much more spacey and dreamlike than anything before on this album. Subtle vocals at the start and keyboard sounds lie under the soft beat, soft synths. Later the vocals become more sensual like in Clarity (same vocalist Nona Kalra). I keep expecting a melody to come in, that I was sure was from this track and I thought I remembered when it started but it never really comes. It threatens but never rears itself. Shame, because that's just what this track needs, a clear melody through it. 6. Clarity (Melting Snow Mix) A different mix of track one and I must say I much prefer this one. It's softer and it has a nice piano melody, a better baseline and the same vocals (the best thing about track 1) as the soft prana mix. A similar feel to Obsession with some nice chilled ethnic beats and a dreamy feeling. The vocals give this track this feeling where they didn't in the 1st mix. The beat stops in the last 3 minutes (well becomes very very soft) and you can feel yourself drifting off to dreamland. 7. Skin As Soft As Starlight Stand out track on the album. Starts of with nice strings and floaty sounds and sexy dreamy vocals (again by Nona Kalra, great voice). Beatless it continues where the last track left off. It's the sort of track that you can fall asleep to. When you hear it in a half asleep state it affects your dreams in a really nice way. Overall then this album is alright. It gets more and more chilled as it goes and in my opinion it gets better as it gets towards the end. I sometimes skip the 1st 3 tracks and start straight on Shalale. It's the sort of album that's good to play as your going to bed and fall asleep to, as it gets slower and slower it kind of pulls you down into sleep and I usually dream well when I nap to it. If you like Makyo then this will be a good buy for you but if you are going to buy just one dakini release from 2005 I'd go for Puff Dragon's Sazanami which has a remix of Skin as soft as Starlight on it anyway.
  10. Mystical Sun - 2012 nice and chilled and ready for bed!
  11. For ethnic, I'd recommend Adam Shiakh Mayko Ishq makyo puff dragon enigma deep forest and Gus Till's last album, electric oceans. It's all chill out
  12. That's right but still darker that the infinity project, while trippy, is just not dark. amethystium is not dark but is still darker than TIP. I M O
  13. yeah also you might like Butterfly Dawn and Tripswitch. Also on LSD.
  14. sorry mate the infinity project ma be top quality but dark it is not. light and fluffly is the blue alien that was met. Check out some amethystium (crap spelling I'm sure) for darker but not too dark chill out or even better would be M-Sphere.
  15. No Idea but some music can help me forget the pain of being so alone and some music makes me feel more alone.
  16. I amazingly got family of light for my birthday from my sister. the biggest surprise I ever got. Thank you Holly you are the best!!!
  17. FUCKING GET PUFF DRAGON OR MAKYO. LATEST RELEASES ON DAKINI They really tried hard with the other stuff!
  18. YES ITS VERY NICE BUT IS IT REALLY WORTH THE killlllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh??? I just had a woman not come home with me who really should have!
  19. Makyo - Nourah Heard of it? Like it?
  20. I love this album. One of the best chill compilations I own I think. each track builds nicely, very nicely.
  21. Puff Dragon - Sazanami Top banana
  22. Puff Dragon Sazanami Dakini Records Tracklist Sazanami 9:29 Qi Gong 9:11 Chinese Radio (Beijing Taxi Version) 7:43 Marine Drive 7:35 Spacefunk 8:23 Skin as Soft (Soft as Silk remix) 8:16 Lava 6:17 Shimmer (Liquid Lounge Version) 8:10 I bought this mainly because I like the cover, the track names and because it was next to the Makyo album that I wanted to buy. I was REALLY impressed though I love this floaty, dreamy, occasionally funky album. 1. Sazanami Starts of with soft strings, not sure but it sounds like a plucked harp accompanied by the electric violin and acoustic guitar. Soft beat lies nicely behind it all. after about 2 and a half minutes The beat moves itself into the front and the violin gets more involved. It's a nice dreamy opener to the album. It has the same sounds all the way through but it progresses nicely and if worth the full 9 and a half minutes. 2. Qi Gong This one seems to come out of the mist. Plucked strings again and a dreamy background texture. Floating out of all this is a beautiful voice (by Keiku if anyone cares to know). A fat baseline perfectly compliments this voice which floats in an out. No words that I can tell just the voice as a proper instrument. It really works well with the beat, bass and strings. This is my Favourite track on the album and one of my top tracks of 2005. I only wish it was longer than nine minutes and 11 seconds. It's the kind of track I could put on repeat and listen to over and over. 3. Chinese Radio (Beijing Taxi Version) The start of this one kinds of breaks the mood just set by Qi Gong with static and a very prominent if laid back semi melody which continues through the track. Its a little quicker than the other two but after the slightly disturbing start it settles into a nice laid back track. Nice bassline and use of strings again, this one really does fell like being on the streets of Beijing. A nice Chinese flute is used but it's nice and subtle and not over used. Slightly out of place is an English sample repeating "reality, perception" but it's probably there to represent the amount of English you will find around asia. Nice track non the less but I'd take out that sample if I could. 4 Marine Drive This track is more technical sounding but still with a mystic air. Some backwards beats and drawn out computer like sounds, remind that the music is electronic but there are a lot of more natural sounds hidden in the background if you care to listen. There is another English sample "let it flow in slowly.... and out slowly" which sounds more at home in this one than the last. This is a nice track but the progression isn't as good as the previous 3 and it's maybe a minute too long for my taste. 5 Spacefunk Starts kind of tribal like with the beat but the other sounds used are more space aged. As the name suggests it's more funky than the previous tracks and it's busier too. I nice relaxed bassline leads into a more sporadic but deeper one. The beats get more complicated and all the dreaminess of the first few tracks is stepped into a more lucid dream. It's still quite floaty and nice but seems more intense and closer to the mind rather that the soul. Very nice subtle guitar hides behind it all towards the end. It's tribal, it's spacey. Space Tribe should have made music like this to live up to his name. 6. Skin as Soft (Soft as Silk Remix) Original track is on Makyo's album Swara Mandala but this remix fits in better with this album than the original would have, it's a little more colourful. The beat and the bass are a little faster like the last one but there are some nice vocals by Nona Kalra. They seem both prominent and background at the same time which gives them a mystical kind of quality. Once again the progression on this track is really nice. It's very patient. It doesn't try to do too much at once but waits for the right time to introduce each new element. By the end of the track it's sounding wonderful, could have been longer IMO. 7. Lava An even funkier bass line than Spacefunk. This track is instantly enjoyable. In the background in the beginning there is a sound like children playing. Cool beats underlie the bassline and although it's funky it's dreamy too. Some beautiful subtle melodies are played alongside the baseline and once again the progression of the track keeps it fresh throughout. 8 Shimmer (Liquid Lounge Version) Starts off shimmering, slow shimmering synths and soft drawn out beats a repetitive baseline and some bubbly sounds make way for clearer beats, the baseline recedes somewhat and a computerised voice floats in and out. I think it just says a long drawn out "I-----" This leads into more shimmering synths and strings and some cool watery beats. This is a very well named song and a great end to what I think is a great album. So to sum up, this is a really nice release. It's floaty and dreamy. The beats are really good throughout and each song's progression is patient. It never tries to do too much and so does so much more than some albums that try too hard. If you are a Dakini fan you will love this. If your not you might still love it. Because each song has a slow patient progression you might not like it from just hearing samples but I would recommend taking a risk if you like floating dream chill out music. My Favourites 1, 2!, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
  23. Yes please do give us more information with an album but please don't rerelease your stuff with a new booklet and expect us to jump around and shout yippee!!
  24. I have to agree on the subtle nuances. I first got into trance when I got dragonfly's project II trance around 93/94 and I loved it instantly. Then around 2001 I got planet ben's silver. I thought it was shit, but that was just because I didn't really listen to it and it sounded repetitive and boring. A few months later though I give it another try and this time I really listen to it. It was fucking fantastic, all the little things I just didn't notice the 1st time. even now when I listen to minimal or progressive I have to really Listen closely to fully appreciate it. I always think people who slag it off just haven't properly listened to it.
  25. I think hallucinogen's best work was Shamanix. I must admit that I'm guilty of buying popular music. When khetzal won the poll for best album last year, I'd never heard of it. So I bought it to what all the hubub was about. It turned out to be a decent album but nothing special.
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