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Everything posted by abasio

  1. The Prodigy - The Experience (Still one of the best albums ever )
  2. I liked his first album except for the use of samples. His Second album was pretty bad. So I hope this is an improvement on both or I'd not bother with it...and I am in buy anything mode so that says a lot.
  3. Fuzzion - Black Magic
  4. Squaremeat - Astronomical Coffee Break
  5. Juno Reactor - Transmissions
  6. Yeah, somnia was on fire for a while. I guess it just petered out as Evan got busier and busier and he no longer had the time or energy to hand craft 777 cd cases. He still produces music though that could go on somnia, his collaboration with Killowatts last year was awesome and I hear he's got a new save the rainforest album out, not heard it though.
  7. Procs - The Lonely Land Of Tada
  8. Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker Rewired
  9. My first buy from Pedrop. Everything went very smoothly and I'd definitely recommend him based on this experience
  10. Nice one! I recently received in the post: Retrodelica - Back From The Future now just one to go
  11. Union Jack - Fromage Frais
  12. On my phone so let's see what's in copy/paste memory: Re: ジョセフの日本語貯金箱 かわいい?
  13. Fuck yeah she is!
  14. I only have the Process album One Drop, Or Two and that is brilliant but then again it is Process \(^o^)/
  15. I see. For some reason when I quoted you the Euro sign disappeared in the reply box. Now it's back. Hmm.....
  16. I had the Acorn Electron and that was fantastic. The fact that it took an hour to load a game kept you playing it for hours just to feel like you hadn't wasted your time
  17. There should be a no option seeing as the question is a yes/no question I'd also say No. I hate chat as I never know how to sign off without it sounding like "fuck off I no longer wish to talk to you"
  18. Listening to Vibrasphere - Archipelago after a few years and it's much better than I remember
  19. Oh right, that one went right over my head I guess I was thinking too literal and that track is still the badgers nadgers
  20. 120 pound for that Steve Roach Box set?
  21. That does indeed sound cheesy. However AP have always been melody heavy cheese merachants
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