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Everything posted by abasio

  1. R.I.P. I hope he can't hear some of the bullshit being said about him though. I heard him reffered to as "the Ghandi of Silicone Valley" Ghandi? Really? Why can't people just say he was a great businessman as that's what he was, not a saviour. He added a hdd to the mp3 player, then added a phone and then made it huge. Cool shit but it ain't leading a country to independence through non-violent civil disobedience: not even close. He was a smart guy who made a crappy little company into a market leader. He knew the market and how to get people to buy his shit. Please people...talk about the things he actually did rather than making completely untrue comparisons. It is completely disrespectful to make stuff up, even if it's positive stuff, it should be said if it's not true.
  2. I downloaded the software to slow shit down like this, meaning to do wonders with it and ended up forgetting about it completely!
  3. 1. Nostalgia - Along Lands End 2. False Mirror - Landfall 3. Mathias Grassow - Soham 4. Nautic Depths - Twilight Sunset 5. Tomas Weiss & Anthony Paul Kerby - Vison #8 6. Mathias Grassow - Dimension I 7. Robert Davies - Gnarled Oak 8. False Mirror - 12 Bft 9. Thomas Weiss & Anthony Paul Kerby - Deep Time 10. Jacob Newman & Devin Underwood - Unconscious Movement 11. The Circular Ruins - Dust Of The River 12. Cymphonic & Vintage H - PMI - Return 13. Mathias Grassow & Tomas Weiss - Crystal Children 14. Tomas Weiss - Illuscape 15. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Held Together By Gravity
  4. Sporadically they have dakini nights! Oh the drool worthiness of Dakini nights Don't expect to hear much from people though, keep checking the websites to see what's on. Liquid room in Tokyo was always a favourite of mine. AgeHa is cool as mentioned above. Womb often has a decent line up too. Shmae you've just missed the summer as there are a lot of decent festivals out in the mountains. I used to put on a chillout might down in Shonan but haven't done that for a number of months now. Hope you enjoy your time in Tokyo. The best thing is to go out during the week, you'll meet the coolest people Also what brings you to Tokyo? Whereabouts are you living?
  5. This is drone ambient but it is definitely very different to you usual drone ambient. It has the unique CBL sound to it and apart from VLA, it sounds like your usual CBL goodness transformed into beatless ambient. I really enjoy this as a lover of both psy & ambient as this mixes both in a fairly unique way. I can understand why people will think there is a lot of better drone ambient out there; this is in that style but very different so won't be liked by every drone ambient lover. Thanks CBL, you've added a new dimension to my music collection. I love hearing something that is familiar yet very fresh and that is how I would describe this album. Love it
  6. Just got Phobium - Basic Time Bending Really nice if like ultra chilled ambient
  7. Damn, I remember when my job was that easy. Now it's hard as fuck....and involves hitting on hot girls (still love it ) That was right, hence the easiness and ability to hit on young girls. I was an English teacher in Japan which is very easy and generally involves talking to a lot of hot young women but doesn't look great on your CV if you do it for too long. I'll have to add Technossomy - Synthetic Flesh to my $100 list. Still all those that I got felt worth it at the time and I can still enjoy them years after the expense has been spent. Feels wonderful How much were each of these? I haven't spent a lot of money on anything for a long time, namely because I have completed the collections I wanted to complete (FFR, Drangonfly, TIP etc) and have no desire to start new hunts. I remember paying soooo much for BPC & Technossomy because I was fed up of having looked around for years for them. Still these two did not disappoint
  8. This is excellent. Is there more from this guy? Really some of the best energetic psy I've heard in ages
  9. CD-r is fine. DataObscura, an ambient label has all their releases on CD-r but they look and sound great If it's CD it could be a double CD-r release no?
  10. I listened to the first track and fell in love. Right up my alley this: rhythmical ambient $5 is too cheap
  11. abasio

    US Debt

    Japanese national debt :0 I obviously don't understand even the first thing about economics, who the hell would want to buy debt? In my mind the idea of buying debt goes something like this: "Hi can I pay you money now so that I'll owe you money in the future?" Obviously this is not what it is but economics is filled with these shitass terms that make no sense just so we'll all get confused and not realise that some people are getting damn rich at our expenses
  12. Nice Also I can't believe this thread is 4 years old. I remember this thread being fairly recent
  13. I got MU compilation for 100yen
  14. Aye, a physical release would be good with a link to a free download of the bonus tracks
  15. Good luck!
  16. Last week I bought one of those small ipod shuffles as I wanted something to kick start my running because I really want to exercise more and feel less crap but it's so boring. Well I bought it, and it was perfect size that I didn't really notice it. however after one use, it has broken: When I turn it on, I can control it for about 2 seconds before it "Clicks" and is totally unresponsive. So if I want to change the volume I need to turn it off and on again first. It also doesn't hold charge. I should take it back but I haven't had the time. Stupid Apple.
  17. The Circular Ruins - We Leave Everything Behind Thomas Weiss - Dato Thomas Weiss & Anthony Paul Kerby - Appearances All top notch
  18. Hungover to shit! Was going to exercise today but I think it would be a bad idea to go to the gym. Nearly 9pm here any (despite having just woken up) so I may just go for a brisk stroll.
  19. The Circular Ruins - We Leave Everything Behind
  20. I'm sure it'll pick up someday. Off topic is meant as an accompaniment to the main focus of a forum though right?
  21. abasio

    Dead Space

    As do I! This thread at least is kicking it
  22. This thread sums it uo! There's only a winner when the thread dies
  23. Yes, those. I always feel like I am going to break it when I open it AND when I take the CD out. Cheers
  24. Very nice np http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxjLTt-kIvM
  25. I am a big fan of Sienis' basslines. The one from 2:15 here is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxjLTt-kIvM
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