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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I'd like to purchase this on Amazon. Is it going to be there like the first one? Yes this is pretty much the only download I am willing to pay for (shakes fist at the lack of CD)
  2. So are a few of my mates but they would never have made something like love songs from the source
  3. abasio

    Filmz Update

    I recently saw Black Swan. It was a fairly decent movie. An enjoyable 2 hours anyway but it really was just THIS GIRL IS GOING MENTAL RAAAGGGHHH and it lacked subtlety.
  4. I managed it this morning and while it didn't come from your advice it did come from your post. You said you did it by accident so I stopped trying to do it and suddenly BOOM I'd done it
  5. No matter how hot you are, destroying all the rum is a hangable offence. The only acceptable answer to "Why is all the rum gone?" is "I drank it all, but I'll buy you some more right now"
  6. Rant accepted! Kick her out and see how she does. Worked for me, I went to college and got a decent job because of it (I ran far away thoug, be ready for that).
  7. That is one of the ugliest covers I have seen this year
  8. Last 3 months All time My last 3 months seem to be a little more upbeat than my all time trends.
  9. I definitely think that music made by people making what they want to make is usually better than those that change for what they think will be more popular however I also want the artists to make music that I like and if they don't I should be free state my opinion be it constructive or not. People don't always have to be constructive when they critise music, sure it is better to be so but if I want to say that such and such is shit because I hate it and it's shit then so be it. The opinion is not invalid because I didn't detail the ways I would make it less shit. Basically I think artists should make what they want to make but to take any critism (constructive or not) on the chin. If they can't handle critism then they shouldn't release their music. Someone somewhere is always going to hate it and in our annonymous internet world they will have no fear saying it, a lot. All I hope for is that I can find artists that make music that I really like, from their heart. Generally they'll make one album like that before either changing away from my taste or trying too hard to meet my taste and it's never as good. Occasionally you'll get an artist who can make more than a few albums like that but they are very rare IMO.
  10. Rum!
  11. I'm so confused, I manage to agree with all oposing opinions This I definitely agree with. Go to Karaoke with some friends and belt out some of your favourite songs as badly as you can! I recommend The Pogues as you don't need to be able to sing
  12. Ace! Still not going to turn Scorb off to listen to it though, but I might buy it
  13. You're a junkie? IMO this is just crap. if 7 is average and 5 is bad then what the hell is 1,2,3 & 4? It's people that use scales like this that show us that introducing a scoring system will end in a big bag of fail. I don't mind a score, I really don't with decent reviewers but so many people have fucked up scoring system 6/10 mediocre crap or 12/10 WTF?? As would I if it was consistently used correctly. It wouldn't be though and we'd get some pretty crappy results if we made it that reviewers had to rate their reviews (well I really fucking hated this piece of shit album but I like the guy and appreciate that he is trying something he wants to do so I'll still give it 7/10 despite its crapness) I would too if I had a tried and trusted reviewer but that still doesn't equate to making reviews needs a score. I would go for Basilisk's idea if people would ever be able to follow it. However they'd fall into your second take and that's why I reckon this should be ignored.
  14. As long as it's not all gay love songs I'm in! Is it? can't check samples at the moment because I am listening to Scorb - Scorb
  15. Plus won
  16. Kindzadza Para Halu Enichkin BOTFB Deviant Species Out: some crap
  17. The only thing I hate about john's reviews is his scoring system. I would definitely vote against that and I'd be inclined not to have a scoring system at all mainly because most people can't score for shit. Worst album ever, what has he become? I couldn't even listen to it. 6/10 WTF???? Reviews don't need scores, it just distracts from the actual review.
  18. Astro Pilot - Memories Maze
  19. Distant System - Spiral Empire
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