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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I didn't expect trance but I expected something a lot better than Vaccine
  2. I also received this in the mail. Giving it its first spin!
  3. Total Eclipse Etnica Sandman Jaia Scorb Out: Transwave
  4. I am on the the challenge of get 20 cloudtouches not being in fever mode. I got to the 9th island and did a shit long time in fever to get through the 4th island but I can't do that many cloud touches without ruining it and going into fever too often.
  5. I have lost my voice but have 2 days of presentations tomorrow and the the next day on top the ones I had to give today. My voice was OK at the start of the day but got progressively worse the more I talked. Looking forward to Friday & Saturday that I can spend cooped up in an office not talking to anyone
  6. Kox Box Etnica Hux Flux Oforia Technossomy
  7. Love Dakini but I'd still give the edge to LSD You could also try early interchill releases too, they were in a similar mould and both Dakini & LSD comps were also released on Interchill (Sky Dancing/Orchid & Interior Horizons for a start).
  8. Don't you care that the guy who made those tracks got screwed and that it might affect his future releases?
  9. My most listened to albums this month are: 1. Mood Deluxe - Hot Points 2. C.J. Catalizer - I'll Be There 3. Scorb - Scorb 4. Ishq - Skyspaces 5. Eitan Reiter - Places I Miss That I Haven't Been To 6. Invisible Allies - Hyperdimensional Animals 7. Filteria - Daze Of Our Lives 8. The Orb ft. David Gilmour - Metallic Spheres 9. Various (Altar Records) - Ether 10. Antares - Exodus
  10. My Stereo is my time machine
  11. I think that if the artist has released it to the public then it is released. But what if someone stole your track and uploaded it and everyone got hold of it, would that also be released?
  12. The only game I've played this year is a game called Tiny Wings. I am so close to finishing everything but can't do the final challenge
  13. Great track Like your video for it Cheers!
  14. My personal favourites are from APK who uses half heard samples that I usually can't recognise. Not many examples on youtube but the opening sample in this track shows what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sK4ah0goek&feature=related Then of course there are the classics like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l0CCR8dbx8
  15. I have escaped from work for a week and next week I have a nice relaxing week of training where I can just tell everyone to FUCK OFF, I'M BUSY
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