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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I wish I was just getting these for the first time again! Wonderful wonderful stuff. The cream of an excellent haul there olly! Nice one!
  2. Care to explain the ? edit: I know it's random but it was bugging me. What's wrong with this track?
  3. Invisible Allies - Hyperdimensional Allies much better than bluetech's last piece of shit
  4. First two words of that story show you there is no need to keep reading (US preacher) and then you see the picture and there you go. Anyway today is supposed to be the rapture, not armageddon. Today we shall be judged and I am pretty confident of God turning to me (or jebus who knows) and say 'basio, you rock!
  5. abasio

    Khetzal - Corolle

    Yeah, it took me some time to appreciate it and with me as well it was a very sunny relaxing stroll that did it
  6. No, I'd rather you didn't leave. You do provide some very interesting opinions that you are obviously passionate about. Just try and do a few simple things & I think you'll find your stay here more enjoyable: -Caps lock off. -If you want to continue a discussion brought up in a thread, that is not about the topic of the thread, then start a new thread about it. -If you want to discuss non-music related topics then use the off topic section, you'll get more responses. -If you are a drug user, try not to come here when really high (same for really drunk) as posts often come out badly. -Enjoy.
  7. Aye, I'm pleased with this one I was never a huge Orbital fan but the album Diversions was out of this world. I still listen to it regularly np The Orb - Metallic Spheres
  8. I'm wondering when getting home at 11:30 at night started feeling normal
  9. As good as I am sure this is I am not going to pay for a download let alone $6 for 3 tracks.
  10. I think he got to the quarter finals of the world snooker championship this year
  11. I can be pretty sure that this won't happen. You'll get those few that you thought would put an end to your addiction but they will just spur it on into new heights of desire
  12. Got slaughtered last night for my birthday. I remember at one point drinking Japanese spirits through fish heads but I am not sure what that was all about. No real hangover to speak of, not with my anti-hangover procedure: drink ukon→drink heavily→drink ukon→go to sleep
  13. 'twas the shit back then but there is still a wealth of talent nowadays; it's just hidden beneath a stinking pile of faeces. What the hell is that for? np/ C.J. Catalizer - I'll Be There
  14. Both I'd like to be able to choose on or the other but it is entirely based on my mood. Now it is getting in to summer and I am off down to the beach with some ladies and I am in the mood for light stuff. However tomorrow I will be hungover as shit and will not have gotten off with anyone so I will be in a dark agressive mood
  15. The style of it maybe? I also hate Safety in Numbers on this album. Mumbly crap
  16. Guiness, wine, rum & food!
  17. Sideffect: Discogs doesn't allow hotlinking so no one but yourself can see the pictures you are posting. With discogs too, you can't follow the link back to see what it was supposed to me so we're left entirely in the dark as to what you are listening to
  18. While he is amusing he is obviously a complete prick that it would be painful to have to interact with in anyway. He seems completely indiscriminate about who he tries his hardest to piss off so while some obviously deserve it (snowboard shop pricks) others surely don't.
  19. I went through a period where I didn't listen to much trance and the cover was not exactly awe inspiring so I never really got round to it. It's good though, maybe even my favourite from Filteria so far
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