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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Well I see a lot of people are listening to them so they must be fairly popular. np The Orb & David Gilmour - Metallic Spheres
  2. Family Of Light is the better of the two anyway IMO
  3. My dad thinks that all electronic music is just random sounds and isn't proper music at all. He doesn't like it and he will never make an effort to understand it so he will forever view it as random. Remember, just because you cannot see the pattern, it doesn't mean that there isn't one. What it means is that you cannot see the pattern that is all. Probably this will make it that you don't enjoy the music but that alone is not enough to say it is just random. When I think of random music I imagine myself at a piano just hitting whatever key I like. I wouldn't put darkpsy into that category even if I don't really like it that much. I prefer nightmare trance
  4. Well doesn't psyshop only have the 3 categories of Psychedelic trance, progress trance () and ambient or did they fix that? I got this and listened to it today and it's not a horrible album but then again it's not particularly good either. One it sounds like soft pop rock and that is obviously not their forté. Some tracks are quite nice but some are abysmal (pound a rhythm is ear splittingly bad) but so much of this sounds like tracks on Last Days of Gravity. It sounds recycled and uninspired. I have nothing against them going in whatever direction they want but just rehashing the same music sucks I'll give it more listens (doesn't take long as it's just over 50 minutes) but I doubt I'll like pound a rhythm
  5. My order from Saiko sounds arrived Antares - Exodus Filteria - Daze Of Our Lives Mood Deluxe - Hot Points Various Artists - Ether Cabeiri - Inner Thoughts CJ Catalizer - I'll Be There Eitan Reiter - Places I Miss That I Haven't Been To E-Mantra - Visions Of The Past Invisible Allies - Hyperdimensional Animals Liquid Stranger - The Invisible Conquest I also got these from Tower Records: Younger Brother - Vaccine The Orb Ft. David Gilmour (of Pink Floyd) - Metallic Spheres I also ordered: Fahrenheit Project Part 7 Ishq - Skyspaces El Hadra - Ornaments Mathias Grassow - 3rd Dimension Nautic Depths - Siberian Winter Should keep me busy
  6. I do the same thing. I only buy a few Goa albums a year now & I try to go for the ones I know will be excellent. There are still excellent albums being made but like in any genre 95% of it is as the OP said.
  7. WTF? I mean I like Pro Wrestling stupidity but those are just
  8. Congrats DP I get screwed every year my mother's day though as I am from England where it is celebrated 2 months earlier than Japan where I live so I forget about it every year until it is way too late.
  9. It is a rarity though and even that is open to debate. I have never heard a bad ultimae release. Just a few I wasn't so keen on (and they were really just a few) This is still a blind purchase
  10. I didn't get any anti-gay vibe from this movie
  11. abasio

    Do your worst

    So is this about posting shit pictures of things? Okay, here's mine....
  12. Enjoy! Definitely one of my favourites. I have the original and the remastered version but I prefer the original
  13. I watched this last night. It was pretty good but it was not worth its length. By the end it was not very engaging anymore and as I was watching it after a bastardly long week at work I fell asleep in the last 20 minutes
  14. Yes it was It didn't turn out so bad but it added an extra 40 minutes onto an already stupidly long work day and it showed that my mental faculties are getting somewhat diluted by cell phone addiction
  15. Had a retard moment today. Worked down in Shizuoka which is seemingly a completely different planet: it has so much greenery and lushness that you can fall in love with the place before you realise that you're bored as fuck. Anyway I left Tokyo and used my IC card at the station but when I get down to the place I have to get off it doesn't work because of course in this backwards ass world they have to be different. It was easy enough to sort out but the station guard said I'd have to buy a ticket to go back rather than putting it on the card. No problem I thought, not had a ticket for years but I am sure I wont manage to fuck it up (actually I didn't think any of this but I probably should have had some thought process going on). Anyway I bought the single ticket for my return journey after finishing work 2 hours later than I was planning on and put in in my pocket as I get into the station. When I alighted my first train some lady (hot as fuck by the way) runs up to me and informs me that I had dropped my ticket. I had put it in the same pocket as my cell phone and it had fallen out as I plucket the phone from my pocket to do absolutely fuck all with it. Now here comes the retard moment.... I thanked her and took my ticket and though, I should put this in my wallet where it'll be safer. This was followed by me putting it in the exact same pocket as before and heading to the platform for my second train. That train didn't come for about 15 minutes so I had time to sit on the bench at the platform and do absolutely nothing with my phone before the train arrived. I got on the train to Tokyo and sat down and relaxed as we got underway on the last leg of my journey. About 10 minutes in I think "I should put my ticket in my wallet for its saftey". Of course it wasn't fucking there, did you even need me to tell you that part? No, I had to get of the train and go back and pray to fucking god that it was still there lying on the platform floor because when I got back to Tokyo and said "yeah, I know I fucked up with the IC thing and I have to reset my card and all but I honestly did by a ticket back and it's not all a big scam in anyway" I would have ended up payimng double and I am a cheap cunt so I didn't want to do that. Thankfully my ticket was sitting right there under the bench I had sat on and I could scoop it up and only add 40 minutes on to my journey back from nowheres-ville. I felt so mentally cabbaged that I bought a load of beer to drink on the next train home and proceeded to not drink it while I worked on the train then downed it all near the end of my journey. So yes, it was a dumbfuckistan type of day that showed me that I the attention span of gnat and am addicted to wasting time using the cell phoe to do bugger all. Fuck
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