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Everything posted by abasio

  1. I'm pretty sure that this was an upbeat release
  2. Well here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FMtxACKlYM Lauper was better
  3. Well the last album was a yawn fest so I wouldn't get over excited
  4. Neither did I at first, maybe a few years of peace but after a while you'll see the demon trying to surface at regular intervals
  5. Hey Reznik! How've you been?
  6. Tron guy http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxp3zqIqO68 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PsnxDQvQpw&feature=related :lol: :lol:
  7. This makes me feel all fuzzy inside as I had one of those
  8. Yeah, although a google image search was very disappointing
  9. Very nice! Love all of these. Although the retrodelica cover doesn't show up in your post!
  10. abasio

    Filmz Update

    Watched the Disney movie of Rapunzel with my GF yesterday. I wasn't expecting much but it was actually very enjoyable. I watched it in Japanese which for me requires a lot more effort than if I watch in English so that might have taken away cheesy kidiness factors of it for me but still some scenes were visually very nice. I especially like the scene with all the lanterns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD_IEqxp-e0 Watching it back, the English song is horrible. The movie also had the best animated horse I've seen in it
  11. abasio


    Post Mortems Reger, men have them too you know
  12. Me too at the moment. It is that time of the month and she is particularly unpleasant this time
  13. I don't drink most of the things on your list but I do drink drinks produced by coca cola because in Japan they have really good Japanese/Chinese tea and bottled water (the tap water in the city here is the sucks ) When I was in England and I heard that Coca Cola have like 130 odd different drinks I didn't believe it but they have sooooo many here. Here's my favourite sugar free, calorie free coca cola product Edit: A better Picture of the tea
  14. Investingating, investingating this, investingating that, general investigation!
  15. Hoping for some watersports pics were you?
  16. Yeah, it starts off with the old knight from Indiana Jones and the last crusade. It has parts of Troy, LotR, Masters of the Universe to name but a few but it's all fake. Still, now I am wondering what the real one will be like. Brad Pitt as Liono anyone?
  17. That was so awful it was kind of excellent
  18. It was Brad Pitt & some guy from X-Men that made me wonder as they looked like they did in other films. I think someone has taken parts of other films and transposed the thundercat images over them. It's very well done though
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