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Everything posted by abasio

  1. My jealousy meter is registering strongly
  2. abasio


    Well, I may be a bit late but I finally watched this movie. Stunned might be the right word. It is nearly 3 hours but I couldn't believe how quickly the time passed. I got so totally immersed in the movie that I just didn't notice how long it was. Great movie, glad I watched it.
  3. Every style is spoiled, or will be eventually anyway. It doesn't mean that there is less good music though. When a style becomes popluar and a load of talentless cretins try to get in on it and release 99% crap, yeah most of the music is shitty but with all these hacks there inevitably come the 1% genius artists and the bigger the style gets the more artists there will be in this top percentile. The good stuff will become more & more however the bad stuff will still swamp it and it can be annoyingly difficult to find the gems.
  4. Robert Davies - Geography Of Memory
  5. Embarassingly, I quite enjoyed that. I can see how shoit it really is and I doubt I'll go out of my way to listen to it again but it was not ear splittingly awful! Is Britney banging on about how she's now dubstep? If not, I don't see this as much of a problem for the scene. It might still have a few years left in it yet
  6. I find a lot of factors can influence my opinions on things. With me though it is usually the other way round, the cover can influence how I see the music. A bright fractal cover often leaves me with a colourful view of the tunes inside whereas a dark space like cover leaves me hearing cool blackness I've never had it the other way round though, probably because I always see the cover first and then listen to the music.
  7. Well Space Tribe was the original king of awful covers. He needs some love in this thread! I like it except for the writing
  8. I must admit to not liking some of the covers posted here but it's all based on people's opinions. I don't expect everyone to love what I love and sometimes I like what I know is a bit crappy
  9. Yeah, Khetzal is awesome. I played Avasari at the start of a recent set and everyone loved it It would be cool to know who the French group he works with is
  10. I just uploaded it to Percussion lab. http://www.percussionlab.com/sets/abasio/sirocco_live_feb_2011
  11. Just listening to the set I played in Yokohama this evening. 1. Khetzal - Avasari 2. Drift - Arc En Ciel (Carnation Space Mix) 3. Jairamji - Pianissimo 4. Banco de Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa 5. Cosmosis - The Himalaya 6. Chronos & CJ Catalizer - 4AM 7. Galaxy - Baile Celestial 8. Yucatan - Table Mountain 9. Gus Till - Monkey In The Black Sky 10. 100th Monkey ft. Angele - Moonchild 11. Dinah Washington - This Bitter Earth 12. Aes Dana ft.Field Rotation - Anthrazit 13. Solar Fields - Staring Into The Nothingness 14. Blue Planet Corporation - Arcana 15. 4D - Sliva (Slippery Drums) 16. Anjin - Nesta's Soft Escape 17. Healer - Illusive
  12. Awesome brilliantness! Love that album
  13. It is totally different to his usual stuff however once you get passed the wtf-this-isn't-Grassow moment it stands up very well. I have listened to it quite a few times and I like it a lot.
  14. np/ Twisted Travellers - Strange Creatures Classic
  15. Aes Dana - Perimeters Nostalgia - Echoes From The Borderland Matthias Grassow & Tomas Weiss - Electric Angels
  16. Nostalgia - Echoes From The Borderland
  17. Great track. I really like that 4CD set np Description Without Place - Physical World
  18. Good to know there is still life in good labels
  19. Food Shmood! Music is more life sustaining
  20. Spielerei - Once Upon A Time
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