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Everything posted by abasio

  1. abasio


    Thanks for downloading. I hope you liked it. I have some time of work soon so I am hoping to get some more mixes done including some more of this project.
  2. A merry bloomin' christmas to everyoe
  3. Nice! I have never been one for Autographs and the like but it's cool as a memory of the event
  4. Cool Dance for the Celestial Being was great! Looking forward to this. Good luck with it
  5. I feel I must slag off the utter shite I am reading now. I am reading the Foundation series by Asimov and I am not onto the ones written by other authors. The first one, by Gregory Benford is complete and utter garbage. I have never hated an author so much probably because if they are a crap author they are merely writing crap stories but this guy is ruining the Asimov "foundation" universe and he should be ashamed of himself Things that piss me off 1. Gregory Benford thinks it's cool for sci-fi to have cool futuristic words which are just bastardised modern words that don't sound futuristic at all. He uses Mathist instead of of Mathematician. He introduced a class of people called the Meritocracy which are like the aristocracy except they have gotten a higher status through merit :roll: 2. He ignores Asimov's portrayal of characters changing them into the opposite of what Asimov wrote. One character in Forward the Foundation was a complete work-a-holic with no life outside Psychohistory & not even thinking there could be anything else to life. In this he is whining about not going to a party and fauning over women. 3. He ignores facts stated by Asimov. Asimov said one character never went back to his home sector and almost straight away in this book he is going back there 4. Asimov wrote the foundation series as 20,000+ in the future but still always wrote things like the basics had never changed. We still drank alcohol, exercised by sports or running etc. Benford feelis the need to shout LOOK IT'S THE FUTURE FUTURE!!!!!! FUTURE!!!!!! We exercise in our sleep, we drink stims, we do all manner of crappy sci-fi cliches 5. He's dumb 6. He fills in blanks that were blank for a good reason, it is boring to go into too much detail. This is just not adding to the story in anyway. 7. He's like a dumbass PE teacher with a word-of-the-day calender, using overly complicated words not entirely in the right context and just sounds dumb because of it rather than more intellectual which he was probably going for. 8. His English is not so good. Apart from the above example he also sometimes fails with grammar. That was from about a third of the way through, now three quarters in I can say.... Oh my god, this book just gets worse and worse the more I read of it! I really feel like this Author had never read the original Asimov books in which he is supposed to be following. He completely and totally ruins everything! He changes character's personalities. Seldon has gone from being a Mathematician whose hobby was a martial art to James Bond in space! He spells Seldon's wife's name wrong throughout the book. Asimov had hyperspace ships that could jump through hyperspace from and to anywhere as long as they were far enough from a huge gravity well to avoid complications. Bentford (that's right I'm spelling it wrong on purpose) has decided that's not good, let's have wormholes, EVERYWHERE. The whole hyperspace thing totally out the window. Ohhhhh I am groaning but I am determined to finish this train wreck of a book. I feel like maybe (if he did read the original foundation series) that he has just changed everything to his liking (maybe he secretly hates the series). It's too inside on the world with 40bn people, lets move it to an ape farm. There is not enough references to christianity so I'll bring back some simulated characters from good old christian days. I hated how Asimov had no aliens in this series, I'll just create some. Asimov was such a pussy hating violence and wanting to write books intellectually. I'll have everyone blood thirsty in this book. Why didn't Asimov go into excessively boring detail about how cool the FUTURE is? I'll make up for his 7 books of story with just pages and pages of innane crap about technology of which (even though I am a physics professor or something) I seem to be very unknowledgable about. I don't mean to harp on but this guy needs shooting. Oh and looking at his wikipedia page, he looks like an arrogant twat that just needs punching! Urgh
  6. Well, it's winter at the moment so they'd be all covered up Probably. I found the aqaurium in winter TO my knowledge she wasn't wearing a contact as she had that fancy laser eye treatment, but it does look like she's wearing one. About the light, I just use something called lightroom. It's very basic software and you can alter only the light settings, change it to black and white etc
  7. abasio


    This is an ambient mix project I have recently started. It is about poetry. I have built up some ambient mixes purely on the basis of the poetry of the names. I try to write a poem (badly I know) and then make a mix arround it. Here are my results so far. Please click the pictures for the mixes. The first in my Poetry series A lasting impression The second in my Poetry series. It's always too late
  8. I think the artwork inside this one is my favourite ultimae artwork so far. The iceberg and the sky over the mountains pictures were great
  9. Space as in Sci-Fi or wide open spaces? For both I recommend Collection 1 : Opening
  10. That's cool and the gang! The aquarium is enoshima aquarium about 100m to the left of.... you in this picture ↑  And I never use photoshop. The only editing of my photos is the light
  11. Still, I bet there are many artists out there that would love to sell just 5000 copies.
  12. Sun-Lens? You mean like sunglasses but a contact lens? That would be cool. But no, that was just an eye It is the perfect aquarium music. A good length as well The ceiling I think is undergoing a jellyfish attack. There are little Jellies in the glasses So when are you going to Osaka?
  13. 1. FLying Rhino - All 2. Dragonfly - All 3. LSD - All 4. Ultimae - All 5. Databloem - Around 100 (including sublabels)
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