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Everything posted by abasio

  1. Usually every consonant except n is followed by a U Pork becomes Porku, beef becomes Beefu. But certain English sounds, Japanese characters are unable to emulate for example there is no Tu, that would come out Tsu, and no du that would come out zu so then they add the o sound. Point card becomes pointo cardo So tryshasla becomes toraishasura but then babel fish mangles it even more
  2. let's just hope someone with the ability to do it can see it and agree
  3. It is just editing all the previous reviews that would be hard for the admins
  4. Elton John - Tiny Dancer without a doubt I do it much much better
  5. 10000000%
  6. Indeed! FR & Dragonfly FTW
  7. Last I heard of him was Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:09 am he was being fucked in the head by his ex girlfriend Oh and EQ panning
  8. Ace! Maybe not the best but still Ace
  9. The one saying he'd never share probably has none to share Or is just douche drippage If it's OOP then yeah, I'd definitely think it's OK. I'd do it myself if I wasn't so lazy!
  10. Slinky Wizard! Love slinky wizard....call it nostalgia or what but I still love listening to old slinky stuff Shitty stick Planet B.E.N. - Trippy Future Garden vs Planet BEN - Silver
  11. I used to think that a pony was a baby horse. When I was out with some friends one said "I used to think that a pony was a baby horse" oh how we laughed.....that's how I found out that a pony was a small breed of horse About music? I used to think ambient was boring & everything needed to be four to the floor hardcore
  12. Well, I don't really like radio stations. One that plays only ultimae? I wouldn't hear anything I don't have in my collection
  13. Yep! That's what I hear Hate it as a sample though, only bad thing on the album
  14. What you could do is everytime you post a review, in your first post, make it a poll 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 people can vote and it's just like the 1 to 5 rating at discogs. Or better 1-10
  15. Done that and it still sounded cheesy! This is just one album that it'll be too hard to get over the cheese factor Probably nostalgia
  16. Like the cleaning of a house....it never ends!
  17. Bus - Morebusinesslinkyouthere Nuclear Ramjet - Mission To Sedna Son Kite - Persepectives of... Gus Till - Best Of the Rhino Years Vol.1 Gus Till - Best Of the Rhino Years Vol.2
  18. You should the ace job that Babel fish does now you can enjoy reviews in Engrish
  19. Why do I have no idea who Sienna Miller is?
  20. There are 6988 releases/acts on Discogs with Goa in the title see
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