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Everything posted by Majoony

  1. Mars, Thank you for getting it back on line it is a lovely place to be. And maybe some new rules wont kill us hey? I certainly hope and think it will make people think twice about writing what they do. People(myself totally included) sometimes say things they wish they could take back or say another way. The rules will stop people popping off and therefore stop the arguing before things like that become an issue. It will also stop people getting banned over silly arguements. So prob a good thing
  2. Yes but I heard it FIRST BEFORE i met you and I told YOU about it. HA! Edit:(just to clear up i heard it was a nice song and suggested it first not had sex with anothet to it first then told him...that would just be weird...)
  3. heeeeeeeeeey!!! thats my choice....
  4. OH MY GOD!!! I used to LOVE hanson, i listened to them all the way to disney land paris and back on coach and ferry.....that was a great tune....probably does annoy the shit out of people now though..... and then thinking about it.... Edit: Towlie...good list man...
  5. Yeeeeahhh dude, 15 weeks at no. 1 is worth remembering IMO...
  6. What are you talking about?!! Everyone with a brain knows that the best song is Whitney Houston - I will always love you... OR Bryan Adams - Anything i do (i do it for you). come on now...i thought that was obvious...
  7. I can see it fine and both links work fine...maybe ur machine or something?
  8. Apart from the insults to Gay people i totally agree with you on this one...what an idiot!!!
  9. They organised a Trance? Party to raise money for under privilage people in a run down area. everyone worked on it for free or for really very little. Directors getting like under £2 an hour. Anyway, big event, lovely event tried really hard then got robbed. Aparently ticket touts forged a load of tickets and it lost them over £6000. now they are reluctantly asking for our help with work or some money. Otherwise the centre they've been trying to save will be closed down, all their hard work lost and many under privilaged people will miss out. Its quite a shame actually. Id love to contribute but im so unbeliveably poor at the mo i prob wont be able to.... well not anything decent at least. Id advise you read it though, you'll get a better - fuller idea of what happened. Hope this helps.
  10. well maybe we should try to donate? Or do something?
  11. Ask FP...
  12. OH NO, SOMEONE DID NOT USE THAT F*CKING BLUE PEOPLE SONG IN ANOTHER TRACK DID THEY????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I HATE that song with a vengance god its awful. the world should have burned every copy ever made not make a new song with it in. They just commited Album suicide........ poor buggers....
  13. oh ok. but thats not funny and not really worth commenting on. Ok, each to their own. Thanks for the explination...
  14. How did he get you? I really dont get that. at all. ive tried. but nothing. could you explain for me please?...having a blonde moment.....
  15. u my friend are insane!!!
  16. No way's that film totally justifies being that long...its genius......
  17. Majoony


  18. That is beautiful. And i can imagine a wonderful spot for a party, you'd be mesmerised by the mountains and sea all night...
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA like a book
  20. you know why i clicked on this link right?
  21. Ok so thank you for clearing up who you are. I didnt know you were DJ Nemo!! Apparently you're a really nice guy, not that i dont think it aswell, just what ive heard. I must say I dont have any complaints with the way you moderate or behave on this forum. You are very calm and never get worked up over anything silly so well done. Not all of us can boast the same!! If this is off topic tell me but why did you change your name? Thats very confusing you know...
  22. Why have you spolied it already?
  23. I think he means more that it changes you to a happy go lucky attitude and so you are friendly to everyone sometimes people you wouldnt normally be nice too and the same for them to you. not because you are fake but you are both in different stimulated/artificial moods Ususally they are strangers. Have you never done that. Met someone whilst your up there and when you contact them afterwards you see how badly paired you really are? I have a couple of times....
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